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The moment you all have been waiting for...


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A milestone of RK Launcher....

Dear Aqua-Soft members :D

It is my pleasure to be the first to show you the most amazing feature of the upcoming RK Launcher 0.4 (Thanks to RaduKing ;))

As you all know, Radu has already done phenomenal work with his project and gave us the most realistic Apple Dock clone ever.

But today he told me something, which seemed to be far away - and it's amazing:

The Genie* is here!

*in RKL: Alladins Lamp Effect

To give you the first taste of it, I made a small quicktime-movie, so that you can see it in action.

Updated video with updated effect: Click


or: Mirror 1

If you don't have QT7, try this version: Click

See the effect in its real speed: Click (recorded with normal camera)


I'd like to thank RaduKing for his amazing and breathtaking work - it's a big honor for me to present the Alladins Lamp effect to the community. :)


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Awesome :) I love RK Launcher. Can't wait for the release.

Do you know if this release will enable you to position RK Launcher above the task bar in Windows? I.E have the windows task bar at the bottom of the screen and then have RK Launcher directly above it instead of being below or on top.

I'm sure this was a future request?

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good news.. i suppose windows which contents change while in the dock would have to be handled, but right now, when they are reduced to the dock, they are pulled from the taskbar, which many seem to like, however, is not fun when using expose clones such as TopDesk because they no longer get exposed. But I was wondering how those minimized windows are handled when they are removed from the taskbar placed off screen somewhere? No.. that then would still make them accessible by TopDesk I would think. Anyways.... If Raduking were to not really minimize the windows when going to the dock (but hide them in some fashion,) the windows could still be screencaptured right before restoring to reduce the effect of discrepent content when the animation ends and the window appears? This would address the issue with not functionally being able to use RKlauncher's 'minimize to dock' with TopDesk.

I sure hope he gives an option to allow minimized to dock windows to be captured by TopDesk and thus make using both programs concurrently an option again. *Crosses fingers*

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