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Smooth Stripes 3

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Nice Theme KoL.

This is perfect. I agree to others!!! I will not anymore change this theme. Its so perfect. And fits to all icons and wallpapers. Even Crystal Icons that I am using. So, perfect with SmoothStripes.

Now Upgraded to v3? WOW!!! Im downloading it now.

Thanks KoL. Youre the best. :bow: :bow:

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Thanks everyone :)

@ deadzombie: I forgot about Quantum, I think Im gonna make some updates to that theme, if is ok with you

@ Fer: I think that happen because I made the top of the framecaption image transparent (with magic pink) to make it look good

@ Grusic: lol :lol::lol: no I dont accept cojones

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Originally posted by KoL@May 25 2003, 01:27 PM

Thanks everyone :)

@ deadzombie: I forgot about Quantum, I think Im gonna make some updates to that theme, if is ok with you

@ Fer: I think that happen because I made the top of the framecaption image transparent (with magic pink) to make it look good

@ Grusic: lol  :lol:  :lol:  no I dont accept cojones

Please do, and feel free to use this latest Smooth Stripes as a guide (hint - hint).

Seriously, do whatever you want with Quantum...I trust you 100% when it comes to themes and pretty much anything creative.

I do ask one thing - give those silly little scroll bars a good scrubbing - I know they were my graphics on those, but I really cant stand them at all. They need to actually match the theme...

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i know you are a busy man kol, but could you tell me how to make those nifty new buttons that you have in your 'iTunes" skin taht you just updated? because i have been trying to make them, but to no avail. if you dont feel like answering thats ok, i was just curious for porting purposes. like to roots and whatnot. or if you know of a website taht could help.

btw, i love your theme, blue = teh best. ss blue. w00t.

keep on making the cool skins taht you do :D

:who's your daddy:

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