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iPod Player

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Hi all.

I just updated my iPod Player to version 3.0

At last i get the Photo Library function to work (i was trying to get that since the first version).

I would like to know what do you think about the widget and let me know any bugs it may have.

Also I´m looking for help on makin this widget for Mac too, so if any of you can help me, that would be cool.

Thanx and stay iTuned

iPod Player.zip

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DUH! As a new member of the forum I stupidly installed it on my Mac!! G5 with 10.4.3. I didn't thoroughly read the author's message. No wonder it doesn't work! But it displayed my pictures in the pictures folder! I have 0.9 of Ipod Player in my Mac it does not display my album covers but everything else works great. I have the latest version of iTunes (6.01) Maybe I can get a later version of iPod player that can display my album covers. Can the author help me? I couldn't find an up date in the Konfabulator web site.

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DUH! As a new member of the forum I stupidly installed it on my Mac!! G5 with 10.4.3. I didn't thoroughly read the author's message. No wonder it doesn't work! But it displayed my pictures in the pictures folder! I have 0.9 of Ipod Player in my Mac it does not display my album covers but everything else works great. I have the latest version of iTunes (6.01) Maybe I can get a later version of iPod player that can display my album covers. Can the author help me? I couldn't find an up date in the Konfabulator web site.

The latest version is 3.0, but only for Windows. It was just updated on the Konfabulator site. For any new versions, please check out osx-e.com and deviantart, where i upload my widgest first, and also this forum. The 0.9 version seems to have worked on Mac because it contained a lot of code from another widget (iTunes Companion) which is cross-platform. Im lookin for make a cross-platform of this widget, but i need some help on that.

The iPod Nano version will be available soon, maybe with some new features.

stay iTuned

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The latest version is 3.0, but only for Windows. It was just updated on the Konfabulator site. For any new versions, please check out osx-e.com and deviantart, where i upload my widgest first, and also this forum. The 0.9 version seems to have worked on Mac because it contained a lot of code from another widget (iTunes Companion) which is cross-platform. Im lookin for make a cross-platform of this widget, but i need some help on that.

The iPod Nano version will be available soon, maybe with some new features.

stay iTuned

Thank you for the reply. Everything works on your player but the album covers that are in my iTunes are not shown. I have iTunes6.01. I installed iTunes Companion and it shows all my album covers but it unfortunately has the celebrated iTunes Bug that was defeated years ago. The bug I am referring to is the one in which after quitting iTunes, iTunes then launches itself over and over again. I haven't seen this bug in years as most of the developers beat the heck out of it with either work arounds or other devices but lo and behold there was my old friend right before by very eyes.The only way to quit iTunes at this point is to quit Konfabulator and then quit iTunes. Your iPod Player does NOT have this miserable bug!

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Thank you for the reply. Everything works on your player but the album covers that are in my iTunes are not shown. I have iTunes6.01. I installed iTunes Companion and it shows all my album covers but it unfortunately has the celebrated iTunes Bug that was defeated years ago. The bug I am referring to is the one in which after quitting iTunes, iTunes then launches itself over and over again. I haven't seen this bug in years as most of the developers beat the heck out of it with either work arounds or other devices but lo and behold there was my old friend right before by very eyes.The only way to quit iTunes at this point is to quit Konfabulator and then quit iTunes. Your iPod Player does NOT have this miserable bug!

At one point I haved that same bug, but I managed to get to the right code for stopin iTunes launching again. For the cover art, well I have iTunes 6.0.1 and Windows XP sp2 and works fine for me. Maybe you installed iTunes in other folder than the default one? That´s the only reason i can think now

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No I have a G5 Mac I rarely use my PC as I am a Mac Addict having two Macs iMac flatpanel 15" and G5 Dual processor 2.5GHZ both running OS10.4.3. I used to platy with my PC a lot at one time using WindowBlinds etc . I found the Mac to be more versatile and Virus Free. My iTunes Library is where it is supposed to be along with the Artwork. Maybe iPod player is now more geared to the PC in Konfabulator. I can understand that as there is a larger and wider audience.I am one of the original registered users of Konfabulator when it was Mac only. Arlo Rose really widened the audience by having Yahoo buy Konfabulator and it was the best thing for Konfabulator and the developers . In fact there are more Widgets now than ever before. I am sorry that I can't display my Album Covers in your Widget as it is a Great Widget. It seems strange that iTunes Companion shows them but it is hard to put up with the iTunes bug...really a thing of the past! Good luck to you and keep up the great work you are doing to popularise Konfabulator!

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No I have a G5 Mac I rarely use my PC as I am a Mac Addict having two Macs iMac flatpanel 15" and G5 Dual processor 2.5GHZ both running OS10.4.3. I used to platy with my PC a lot at one time using WindowBlinds etc . I found the Mac to be more versatile and Virus Free. My iTunes Library is where it is supposed to be along with the Artwork. Maybe iPod player is now more geared to the PC in Konfabulator. I can understand that as there is a larger and wider audience.I am one of the original registered users of Konfabulator when it was Mac only. Arlo Rose really widened the audience by having Yahoo buy Konfabulator and it was the best thing for Konfabulator and the developers . In fact there are more Widgets now than ever before. I am sorry that I can't display my Album Covers in your Widget as it is a Great Widget. It seems strange that iTunes Companion shows them but it is hard to put up with the iTunes bug...really a thing of the past! Good luck to you and keep up the great work you are doing to popularise Konfabulator!

Well then thats the reason. The widget is only for Windows, not for Mac. iTunes companion is a crossplatform widget, sadly mines not. But Im lookin for makin it cross platform asap.

I hate Windows, but Im stuck with it, thats the reason for makin the widget for PC. I know Mac are the best, i used and try almost everythin to at least get my ugly Windows look like a Mac and looks way too much better now.

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I understand...if you REALLY want to make your PC look like a Mac OS try Windowblinds. There are numerous GUIs in that app to change the look of Windows and it is a safe app for this as it will not cause a conflict with Windows XP (XP = Xtra Pain) I have a lot of these GUI themes in my PC and several of them have the Mac theme with the little candy buttons to replace the X to close the window and that other thingee to minimise it. Again...you are a VERY creative developer and you probably know all about this.

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Man, one more thing...

Bug: When i start Konfabulator, Ipod Player only load in White, even when i select Black before exit konfabulator... And when i go to preferences, the box is already set in black, then i click in OK and Black show's

And it does not leave i close iTunes, is reopening it.

Sorry my SUX english ;

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Man, one more thing...

Bug: When i start Konfabulator, Ipod Player only load in White, even when i select Black before exit konfabulator... And when i go to preferences, the box is already set in black, then i click in OK and Black show's

And it does not leave i close iTunes, is reopening it.

Sorry my SUX english ;

theres something in the js file for the Photo Library function that makes that bug, i dont know what it is.

when i dont use that js file, it loads the correct color selected in preferences.

still tryin to find the reason. when its fixed, i´ll update the widget

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