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December '05 Screenshots


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As Astyanax say is shellstyle mod.:)

The only thing that you can do is to send a request to WinT's Windows Modifications .And ask him if he can found a way to completly remove the Explorer Bar "caption"(from explorer or some system dll).It's the same caption for all (Folders,Search,Finder,etc).So if that can be remove then cabal's finder will be ok. ;).I would send it but my english is bad :slant:

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As Astyanax say is shellstyle mod.:)

The only thing that you can do is to send a request to WinT's Windows Modifications .And ask him if he can found a way to completly remove the Explorer Bar "caption"(from explorer or some system dll).It's the same caption for all (Folders,Search,Finder,etc).So if that can be remove then cabal's finder will be ok. ;).I would send it but my english is bad :slant:

i would send it but i wouldn't know what to say....and how to put it into words

enough of this now this is getting kinda off topic

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Milk Unified: VLC (coming soon!)

Organic04 (mod) -:Wallpaper

Milk Unified -:Visual Style

Milk Unified -:Styler Toolbar

Milk Unified -:Miranda Clist

Ultraman Adium (port and mod) -:Miranda Clist Status Icons

Elements/SnowE2 -:IconPackage/ShellPack

Sys Stats -:Samurize 1.62 overlaid on AveDesk 1.3

Elements/Words -:Desktop Icons

Milk Unified (due out soon!) -:VLC skin

Words (custom set) -:MobyDockDX Icons

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