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February '06 Screenshots

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My VOID2 mod. Pretty proud of it, my first real mod.

looks pretty good... im starting to warm up to VOID... would you mind sharing?

You should consider getting rid of the explorer menu bar and tossing in a simple styler TB... devArt has got some really good VOID TB's, but im not at home so cant link them

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I just ported my desktop from the Jan 06 thread. New theme coming soon!


^^ Click for full ^^

It's a little update of my desktop.

Warning: Mild Nudity!

Theme: Alluvium Magnite

Cursor: Mario cursor (Modded by Me)

Dock: Transwhite (Modded by Me)

Icons: Alluvium Icons and Mixture

Music: Rumble, Young Man, Rumble by Juelz Santana (Chopped and Screwed)

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VS Luna Element 5 Mod

Wall Intel Mac Orange

Icons Minium

Apps AveDesk, Samurize, Miranda, Winamp

Do you have a link to that certain avetunes widget (I like the way the text is displayed).


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That's not AveTunes.

It's a WinAmp skin called clearONE

Oh, no no. I noticed the winamp skin. I'm more *** for iTunes than winamp so I'm not interested in that. There was an AveTunes Widgets at the bottom left. It looks sorta like a skin that Avetunes comes with already, but there are some major differences (according to the screenshot).


Edit: Probably should have read the rest of the posts, chrislee149 already pointed it out...ehh.

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