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[request] critiques for my site


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First impressions are that the google box should be on the side bar rather than in the centre...

It also needs a bit more unifrom look to it , for example the button gradients are different to the side bar gradients. The top banner also needs to be more prominent and old i think...

Anyway those are my first thoughts , hope that was useful :)

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i took a look with ff and opera to the site. and with both it works good.

on the first look, it is a really good work, on the second three things are noticeable

1. what Zaft mentioned (the button gradients are different to the side bar gradients)

2. the firefox logo is a little bit to big

3. i'm not a big fan of to much black or dark backgrounds

and that's just things, which are definitely part of the artistic freedom ;)

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The first thing I saw when I went to this site was the Get Firefox picture. Why this is nice, it should not be in the top left corner! That's the most important spot in a site! Couple other things:

- The Google Search would look better in the bar on the left.

-The background on your logo is unique and kind of cool, but that's the only place it's incorporated :(

-Why is chatterbox above login/register? Isn't login more important?

-When I click Guestbook only "Guestboo" is highlighted!

-What's the 2nd set of links for and why is it aligned to the right?

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