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FlyakiteOSX v3.5


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@ matonga heres a leopard bricko pack http://en.softonic.com/s/leopard-bricopack or you could just google leopard bricko pack and you get some results. I hope this is what you were talking about

Thanks! I almost forgot about this. I searched time ago, so this bricopack wasn't born yet by that time (afaik). BTW I see the pack is by nobodyuse so I'll give it a try, or I'll try to disassemble it (can't decide yet) (I would say I'm becoming a fan of nbu).

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Hi. I have an ACER ASPIRE ONE and I have installed FLYAKITE V3.5 but it seems to be a problem with the windows because it doesn't look like a mac and also the start menu doesn't have the mac style. Here's an image. Is there anyway to change it to mac on flyakite options or something. Help will be much appreciated. BTW have XP SERV. PCK 3, I don't know if that's the reason.




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You both are right on track.

Flyakite v3.5's UXTheme patcher does not work with XP XP3. Once you patch your system successfully with a SP3 compatible version, your OSX themes from Flyakite should work. (Just remember to right-click the desktop and apply the theme.)

Also, I set up an Acer AspireOne (great little computer) a few months ago and I have FK on it, but I seem to remember that UXTheme patching was a little bit of a pain. It didn't like some of the more well known UXTheme Patchers (like Neowin's version.) But I eventually followed a guide with the patched file from here:


..and got it to take.

let us know if Matonga's suggested one works.

Good luck

EDIT: here's another patcher just released on deviantart (haven't tried it personally): http://anolisfx.deviantart.com/art/Anolis-...P-SP3-118799555

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You both are right on track.

Flyakite v3.5's UXTheme patcher does not work with XP XP3. Once you patch your system successfully with a SP3 compatible version, your OSX themes from Flyakite should work. (Just remember to right-click the desktop and apply the theme.)

Also, I set up an Acer AspireOne (great little computer) a few months ago and I have FK on it, but I seem to remember that UXTheme patching was a little bit of a pain. It didn't like some of the more well known UXTheme Patchers (like Neowin's version.) But I eventually followed a guide with the patched file from here:


..and got it to take.

let us know if Matonga's suggested one works.

Good luck

EDIT: here's another patcher just released on deviantart (haven't tried it personally): http://anolisfx.deviantart.com/art/Anolis-...P-SP3-118799555



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  • 3 months later...

And there is another problem with WinXP SP3 users; If your WinXP copy is original and legal, and you have automatic updates, then you will see that XP Icons and explorer buttons in your Mac Mod. I had to reinstall FlyakiteOSX 3.5 and shut off automatic updates. ¡Ah! And for those users having an Encore TV PCI Card, I made myself a skin for the software included with the card. Wait for me to post a downloadable link ('til I upload my zipped skins). Thanks to the developers for making such piece of art (I mean the Flyakite and other products found here).

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  • 3 weeks later...
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  • 9 months later...

flyakite: Please help me!

I am trying to make XP look like Snow Leopard, and FOSX is tiger. I have icons for everything, but each time I try to change an icon, FOSX updates it back to the way it was. Should I decompile the updater and add code to make it skip SHELL32.dll or would you specify something else?

I'm desperate!!!


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