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FlyakiteOSX v3.5 Bug Report Thread


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Flyakite, But what can you say abouth that bug with Boot Screen in Win2003? Will it be fixed in some rebuild 3.5 or only in 4.0?

And what about some bugs in toolbar buttons in some applications?

I also have a problem with the boot screen. I'm using windows server 2003 sp1.

It's not working. I'm still getting the normal windows server 2003 boot screen, though I have

chosen to include the boot screen option during installation.

I even installed a win2k3 on a new machine, I've got the same problem. No Boot Screen! :(

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For everybody having Windows 2003 Server Enterprise with SP1:

I had the same problem with ntoskrnl.exe.

After 2 full reinstalls that were a real pain I managed to find out the answer to this problem.

If happens:

1. go with the recovery console to Windows/System32/

2. delete ntoskrnl.exe

3. rename ntoskrnl.exe.FlyakiteOSX to ntoskrnl.exe

4. reboot

This solved the problem for me, but like I said, I paid by having to reinstall all.

Hope it is usefull.

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For everybody having Windows 2003 Server Enterprise with SP1:

I had the same problem with ntoskrnl.exe.

After 2 full reinstalls that were a real pain I managed to find out the answer to this problem.

If happens:

1. go with the recovery console to Windows/System32/

2. delete ntoskrnl.exe

3. rename ntoskrnl.exe.FlyakiteOSX to ntoskrnl.exe

4. reboot

This solved the problem for me, but like I said, I paid by having to reinstall all.

Hope it is usefull.

Well, that was exactly that I've done before, recovered old ntoskrnl.exe from backup in FlyakiteOSX directory, I suppose. That fixes OS work, but the bootscreen sticks to ol' good Win2003 look.

I'm really sad with this bug, after all it was the first bug in FlyakiteOSX 3.0 that was noticed and it still isn't fixed (well, okay, the bug in 3.0 was different, it changed bootscreen, but it looked ugly, and now it crashes all system). As long as in FlyakiteOSX 2.0 all worked correctly both under XP and 2003 I'm really wondering.

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first off congrat and thanks for the rel

I'd like to add that I am also having the boot screen problem. I am using winxp pro and the windows screen show instead of the mac screen.

Hm, that's odd. Did you check "boot screen" option in installer?

UI'm having no problems in XP, but just in Win2003.

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Hm, that's odd. Did you check "boot screen" option in installer?

UI'm having no problems in XP, but just in Win2003.

Well I install it the first time w/o checking the "boot screen" option then rebooted. I then changed my mind and wanted the boot screen. I then ran the installer again and check the boot screen. Rebooted and didn't see the effect. It should still work right?

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Well I install it the first time w/o checking the "boot screen" option then rebooted. I then changed my mind and wanted the boot screen. I then ran the installer again and check the boot screen. Rebooted and didn't see the effect. It should still work right?

I guess so, but try uninstalling and making clean installation.

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hi! I'm on windows XP SP2 and I have the boot screen bug too. maybe someone with a working bootscreen could post their boot.ini contents so I can try modifying it myself. version 3.0's bootscreen worked for me, so I hope this works!

FYI, my boot.ini has the "noguiboot" option on. just need a working boot.ini config I can try (for Flyakite 3.5)

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After I installed this software ,It takes too much time for restart ,and I found the system was not so fast as it was been.
Just defrag your hard drive and that will be solved ;)

first off congrat and thanks for the rel

I'd like to add that I am also having the boot screen problem. I am using winxp pro and the windows screen show instead of the mac screen.

The bootscreen doesn't show after the first reboot, it comes up after the seccond...
hi! I'm on windows XP SP2 and I have the boot screen bug too. maybe someone with a working bootscreen could post their boot.ini contents so I can try modifying it myself. version 3.0's bootscreen worked for me, so I hope this works!

FYI, my boot.ini has the "noguiboot" option on. just need a working boot.ini config I can try (for Flyakite 3.5)

There is a possibility that it is not your boot.ini but your ntoskrnl file.
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HI, a cuestion, i use the Fraps to make Vids, so, now my Fraps dont work, in any version!!!!, i run the app but no make nothing, no go to system try, no apear in the prosess list, nothing, I need Fraps!!!, if uninstall Fly3.5 work Ok.... any idea...

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I can't use FlyakiteOSX v3.0's .ini file : "FlyakiteOSX.ini" to make a silent installation during using the /S switch on FlyakiteOSX v3.5.~~~>_<

I want make a silent installation with WindowsXP full unattend installation.

Sorry, my Engilsh is poor.~~~XD

I need the silent installation infomation too.

Installer switch /S still alive but it just installed itself ... ?

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Well, that was exactly that I've done before, recovered old ntoskrnl.exe from backup in FlyakiteOSX directory, I suppose. That fixes OS work, but the bootscreen sticks to ol' good Win2003 look.

I'm really sad with this bug, after all it was the first bug in FlyakiteOSX 3.0 that was noticed and it still isn't fixed (well, okay, the bug in 3.0 was different, it changed bootscreen, but it looked ugly, and now it crashes all system). As long as in FlyakiteOSX 2.0 all worked correctly both under XP and 2003 I'm really wondering.

I didn't do it from the FlyakiteOSX directory, but from System32. There was this file named: ntoskrnl.FlyakiteOSX and located in System32 directory.

I don't know if that file was created by the System File Updater after I installed SP1, but it was there, and it is the file that contains the grey apple boot screen (corresponding to FlyakiteOSX 3.5).

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Got the boot screen to work! I simply had to edit my boot.ini to

"multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP Professional" /noexecute=optout /fastdetect /kernel=ntoskrnl.exe"

It now boots in widescreen mode! Perfect!

does this work on windows server 2003 sp1?

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Flyakite is a really great piece of software..

I really do enjoy the new look of my WinXP, but I encountered a really serious bug...

When I first installed version 3.5 on my Laptop everything worked great, except that everytime I wanted to use my external HDD I got a blue screen with a "bugcode_usb_driver" message, a message which I had never seen before...

Laptop didn't boot anymore, when external HDD was plugged in, everytime I tried to, I got the same message. When plugging it in after booting, it worked well for some time, but sooner or later I always got the blue screen with "bugcode_usb_driver" error message.

I formatted my c:drive installed Windows and all my programs, and everything worked well until I installed Flyakite again.

What is wrong with that, and how can I fix that bug, or at least overgo it? Stop using Usb devices is surely not an option... ;)

THX in advance,

de Steini

Edit: Oh, I forgot to mention, that this is not only the case for my external HDD, but for every USB device I connect...

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Interesting bug, De_Steini--never heard of that one before. Worst comes to worst, I'd simply recommend uninstalling FlyakiteOSX--functionality should beat out appearance any time. I know flyakite is somewhat busy, so I'm only suggesting this if he doesn't respond...


P.S: Regardless, you still need to provide the following:

- Windows version and Office version (if involved)

- What options in FlyakiteOSX you installed

- Any anti-virus software you may have running

- If you know the reason the bug is happening or know the solution, please post that info

- If you can, please provide a screen shot (upload to Imageshack.us if you do not have web space)

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There's a bug that came from v3.0 and v3.5 that make moviemaker cannot recognize the transition effect that has been installed on the system and if you go to the taskbar properties and clear the recent document it takes a long time clear though i only have 1 link in my recent document. (My Ram is 1GB).

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comtl32.dll bug

I traced it down with installing and checking EVERY single entry.

I installed one file/ mod, reboot, check.

Now I got it.

There are two files comctl32.dll (win32) and comctl32.dll (SXS).

The one wih SXS ist givving me trouble. It is 4.4MB and ist installing files with the name comctl32.dl4, comctl32.dl8 and so on.

INstalling this file "comctl32.dll (SXS)" always brings up a message that Controls.man has to be reinstalled and causes this Event viewer entry SIDEBYSIDE.

1) Waht is that thing?

2) What is it used for?

3) How do I get rid of the error? I fixed it by uninstalling the comctl32.dll (sxs). But what else is a asolution?


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