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I was just confused. You made it seem like I used the pinstripes everywhere. I don't. Only the background for that logo and the background for the navigation bar. That's it. You only freaked me out. That's all. Sorry, again, for the confusion.

I was just messin' with ya. You know I love you :)

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You are aware that they are using Aqua-Soft's WordPress skin, right?

Yes. I am using Aqua-Soft's WordPress skin. Later on, I'll create my own. :)

Is that bad?

I don't believe it is. (Hence, I did it...:P)

Aqua-Soft's WP skin is available for purchase (or maybe it's given out free, I don't remember)...

Yea, it's free. :)

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Good luck with your site.

One thing I would suggest for the future is to be more original in the design. OSX-E, and probably 500 different sites (including Apple) use or have used that same type of design. It is possible to make something Mac-ish that's not really similar to an existing design. This will help differentiate your site from other Aqua emulation sites.

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