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I am wondering how to change my bookmarks toolbar text color (the one under the navigation toolbar) to dimgray? I found ways to change the address bar text color, and the search bar text color, but not the bookmarks bar.

I would also like to change the color of dropdown menu text (especially those in the bookmarks bar) to dimgray.


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.bookmark-item:hover > .toolbarbutton-text,
.bookmark-item:hover:active > .toolbarbutton-text,
.bookmark-item[open="true"] > .toolbarbutton-text {
color:#EB8313 !important;


.bookmark-item > .toolbarbutton-text {
display: -moz-box !important;
height: 19px !important;
color: #EF9B41 !important;
padding-top: 2px !important;
text-align: center !important;

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I can't find a "browser" folder, or a "browser.css".

Could you give me the full directory? Or do I need to make them? If so, where?

Also, I want to keep the text color white when hovered over, so do I need to use the Hov? Or is the code for Hov in your post still white, and I just need it?

Please enlighten me,


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Well, when you download a them you get a jar file. Open the jar file with win rar, then open the file called browser. Then scroll down untill you find browser.css, a notepad file, then do all the changes you want and make sure to save. Then install the theme like usual.

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Yeah, I knew that. I was just wondering where the theme .jar was kept after installation.

But, I guess I can always re-download the theme and edit it that way.


EDIT: Done, and it worked, but now text is black normally and orange when selected. Oy!

EDIT #2: This is the color I'm looking for when regular, and when its hovered over I would just like the normal white.


EDIT #3: I have managed to get the hover color to change, but I can't get the normal color to change to anything but black. Whats wrong with this code?

.bookmark-item > .toolbarbutton-text {

display: -moz-box !important;

height: 19px !important;

color: #454545 !important;

padding-top: 2px !important;

text-align: center !important;


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i'm having troubles with getting Fission (0.8.5) to display an aqua style progressmeter in the addressbar.

i'm running Firefox 1.5 with the Safire gradient theme.

i tried Zeroeffect's altered progressmeter.css, which works, but the progressmeter doesn't start entirely on the left side and it's too small. it starts halfway behind the favicon.

also i can't seem to get the text colour to change when the progessmeter is showing

i tried the code in userchrome, but it does not work.

any help is appreciated

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Interstellar Fugitive


1. go *.jar/browser

2. extract chunk.gif

3. mod chunk.gif

4. go *.jar/browser and delit chunk.gif

5. drag you chunk.gif in *.jar/browser


1. go *.jar/browser

2. create chunk.png

3. olpen *.jar/browser/browser/css and rename chunk.gif-> chunk.png

4. ..... 5. .... 6 ....

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  • 2 weeks later...

@ IdioitBox : this is lie windowblinds theme a little bit modified by me, but everything is ok with the theme because I don't have white backgrounds and white text... it only appears in firefox.

@ smoovie : thank you very much, I'll have to pick what can be useful for me...

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  • 2 weeks later...

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