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Firefox Memory usage

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My browser is slowing down by the minute, and I don't know what seems to be the problem. At first when I open it, the mem usage is acceptable, but after a couple of minutes (let's say 10 - 15 mins) when I notice that it's slowing down, I fire up my CTRL + ALT + DEL buttons and there it is: 1xx,xxx MB memory usage (it's the highest of all). I hope someone can figure it out and help me.

My specs:

- Windowblinds 5 (not sure, but it's the one that supports transparency)

- Firefox

- SaFire Milk 1.0.9

*My extensions:

- NoScript

- Adblock Plus

- Fasterfox

- Adblock Filterset G

- Compact Menu

- CustomizeGoogle

- FoxyTunes

- Gmail Manager

- Search Plugin Hacks

- Searchbar Autosizer

- ImageShack right-click

- Image Zoom

- Flashblock

- Tab Mix Plus

- Fission

- eBay Negs

- Titlebar Tweaks

- Greasemonkey

- Flashgot

- VideoDownloader

*all of these are updated

I suspect that WB5 is causing the slowdown, 'coz when i installed it, that's when the problem started. And i read the About of the WindowBlinds, it says there that it doesn't support the WindowFX 2.19 version, but the 2.5, which will be released later this year (according to the WB Info). I'm using WindowFX as well.

PS: I was able to send this message using Firefox's Safe Mode.


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hello Kayloster and kjohnson

I seem to have the same problem with memory just today my firefox crashed my explorer but i do no I am testing the New VLT summer pack O6 for improvements and repoerting on its operation with the residents applications that i have installed , I did try some of the extensions are some work and some did not I did not have too much luck with the Safire firefox extension where I had to cofigure buttons and setting to make it look like Safari -that proved to be a disasster with firefox I do have use now but the memory is still an issue along with instablitly of it at certain times. Do you leave it running for a long time with out using it while you do other tasks on the computer- it takes up space and memory with temporary files which I delete those very factors

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i had this problem after i updated the extensions . from your list i have are [ fasterfox, image zoom, video downloader, greasemonkey and fission ]

it was fixed after i installed earlier version of image zoom ( 0.2.3 ) , disabling lightbox of greasemonkey and uninstalled video downloader

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Uh, no i'm not surfin porn lately.

i had this problem after i updated the extensions . from your list i have are [ fasterfox, image zoom, video downloader, greasemonkey and fission ]

it was fixed after i installed earlier version of image zoom ( 0.2.3 ) , disabling lightbox of greasemonkey and uninstalled video downloader

Hmm.. maybe that's it. I have Grease Lightbox installed. Maybe I'll consider removing it. My Image Zoom is 0.2.5. Can you provide a link for the earlier version?

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  • 2 weeks later...

its a problem with firefox, a memory leak, as a heavy user with plenty of tabs and windows, it hovers from 110-150mb usage after a few hours of heavy use. with so many plugins im betting thats the reason why. try to unistall and keep the ones ud need. and see if its faster

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