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Where is the UI heading?


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Anyone noticed the new grey-blue theme that occupied the iTunes Store?

No more different colours for different sections, significantly less graphics, sharper corners.

Now that Napster & Rhapsody moved to a glossy plastic greyish theme, iTunes turned blue!

I hope this is only temporary... so when Leopard ships, it will be celebrated with a spash of colour

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for sure. and it eats up systems resources. what really pisses me off about the new itunes is the gapless function. I have over 6 gigs of music and it is nonstop trying to process gapless playback info. what a hassle

uhmm i have .... *Checks Music Drive Used Space.* 24.69Gb of music and it took roughly a half hour to determine gapless playback. .... On a 400 MHZ machine.

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Am I the only one that loves the new UI? Though it could use some refining, I think it's a step in the right direction to a more sleek, professional-looking OS. With Vista's gimmicky glass windows, Leopard is shaping up to be the slickest contender on the block. Bring on the desaturated blues and plastic look of OS X.5!

Off-topic: IMO the clear winner for 'the worst UI to hit a Mac' would go to Mail 2.0...talk about fugly buttons and color spectrum off its rocker. Compared to that, iTunes 7 is like *insert snappy analogy here*.

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My biggest gripe with OS X now is that the interface has turned into a hodgepodge of styles. Kinda like if Windowblinds threw up all over your PC. Each window looks different. I hope Leopard brings some consistency back. Or better yet, Apple should introduce support for themes.

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My biggest gripe with OS X now is that the interface has turned into a hodgepodge of styles. Kinda like if Windowblinds threw up all over your PC. Each window looks different. I hope Leopard brings some consistency back. Or better yet, Apple should introduce support for themes.

True. Apple has given its designers far too much space to play around. While it's nice to tweak things and improve them, when something is as good as the OS X interface was i think a little "if it isn't broken don't fix it" attitude would help. Of course, if you apply that philosophy too strongly then you end up with a very stagnant OS. They need to find a compromise.

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gapless processing didnt take too long on my machine

@unbe: i took the time to read that long post of yours, agree quite a bit but being a windows user i do like it :P

it would be a nightmare if the next apple os looked like it though, i could use the current one for many years before getting bored of its looks, its been a max of 2 months on xp before i have to customize it somehow.

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Maybe they're going for the 'subtle' road? I mean, during the Jaguar era* the menu bar has pinstripes across it, the Close/Minimize/Maximize buttons looked like it hovered above the window and what not. In Panther and Tiger it has been toned down a bit.

Perhaps it'll be toned down even further for Leopard, making the look even more subtle?

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