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Aqua-Soft Official Policy Regarding Widget Widget


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Widget Widget releases all of their works under the Creative Commons 2.5 license. This license provides for the free redistribution of all of their works provided that attribution and license information are both provided. More importantly, this license applies to their current "subscription" work and their preexisting work. You may view their Terms and Conditions here.

License for Non-Commercial Work

License for Commercial Work

This means that any member of Aqua-Soft is free to redistribute the icons of any given set under two conditions. The member must attribute the icons to Widget Widget and the member must link to the Terms and Conditions (http://widgetwidget.com/termsandconditions.php). Please host and mirror their sets; do not directly link to their servers.

Please note that everything stated above is derived from their own Creative Commons licenses. By providing those licenses, any distribution is acceptable provided no modifications or alterations are done and no money is being charged.

Any member found linking Widget Widget icons without attribution and a link to the Terms and Conditions will be suspended for one day. Any member found distributing modifications of Widget Widget icons will be suspended for one day.

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Even though this all appears to be above-ground and in accordance with their Terms and Conditions, I think this could all be easily misinterpreted. To encourage you all to STAY WITHIN THEIR CONDITIONS, we'll be giving out free one-day bans to anyone breaking these rules in any way. That also means no public modifications of these icons.

That means any icon posts with Widget Widget icons in them should be in the following format, or something reasonably close:

Author: Widget Widget. Do not modify and redistribute these.

Terms and Conditions of Use

[B]Author: Widget Widget. Do not modify and redistribute these.[/B]
[URL=http://widgetwidget.com/termsandconditions.php]Terms and Conditions of Use[/URL]

Otherwise, you may find yourself on the wrong edge of the ban button :D.

So anyway, have fun AND make sure you're obeying all the rules. When in doubt, err on the side of caution.


P.S: We'll be monitoring this thread and making sure to keep it clean--if necessary, we'll close it altogether. Don't want to clutter it up, you see :).

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Nice catch, gnomexp. Looks like that licence has some "holes"... It is than very bad move from WidgetWidget to make their work payware while it can be shared all over the forums... Strange, cause it seems they will make no profit from that "payware move"...

P.S. Alexander MacLean signed for Apple. That probably means - no more icon/wall updates on WidgetWidget... Also their technical support doesn't work at all.

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I am a subscriber to Widget Widget, I have contacted them twice over the last few months and have not once received a reply :(

So, basically, as long as I link to the their terms and state the above, I can release all their icons that I have? That seems a very strange thing, been as me and others paid to get access to those icons.

I'm a little confused :

ETA, never mind, re read license - understood!

//Posts Merged. Yes, I agree it does seem confusing and contradictory, but that's how we're interpreting the license ;). -NC

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