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Microsoft Rips Off Apple’s Workgroup Manager Icon


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Iconfactory didn't create the icon. As well, that 2nd link mentions nothing about them denying they licensed it out. They say right in the little post that the icon was created by Apple.

Dobbe man, read correctly. In the second link it is clearly stated that iConfactory had nothing to do with the icon in question that it wasn't their creation.

edited... Should be accurate enough I think

Visit the Vista page again and look closely at the "Buy Now" button

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I guess M$' gonna keep ripping Apple. First Tiger, then the icons.. *tsk, tsk*

First of all, people need to stop calling them M$, isn't that a bit out of style now? Secondly, people shouldn't blame Microsoft as an entity. It's not like Bill Gates and Steve Balmer said "Hey use this icon", whoever is responsible for that page obviously is at fault here, not the entire Microsoft corporation.

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thats the worst blatantly obvious rip off that I have ever seen!... for all of you who think that vista doesnt rip from Apple, well... (*cough* u r retarded*)...

and yes it still has Microsoft's dodgy trademark of pixelation, and is an 'unpolished' rip off... *cough Zune*... (ok Zune has its advantages, sorry...)/

at least they replaced the icon... shame they havent fixed the copyright on Aq- err I mean Aero.

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thats the worst blatantly obvious rip off that I have ever seen!... for all of you who think that vista doesnt rip from Apple, well... (*cough* u r retarded*)...

and yes it still has Microsoft's dodgy trademark of pixelation, and is an 'unpolished' rip off... *cough Zune*... (ok Zune has its advantages, sorry...)/

at least they replaced the icon... shame they havent fixed the copyright on Aq- err I mean Aero.

I find a lot of this and similar posts among the community on this subject kinda hypocritical.

A lot of people bash Vista for being an OS X "rip off", when, this is entirely untrue.

There may be similarities, but then again, when hasn't there ever been a program to not have variants based off of them?

Let's take Aqua-Soft as an example.

If you want to keep using the "Vista is an OS X rip off because of Aero's features and the new features built into the OS" argument, then you'd also have to bash the community for making apps that replicate to some degree or another the functionality of OS X, or even the look of OS X. That would make all the OS X WindowBlinds skins rip offs, the WinExpose program a rip off, some Yahoo! Widgets rip offs, RKLauncher or ObjectDock, etc etc..

But you don't, right? You simply go on, either pass up the program, or utilize it in some fashion, or add to it.

The fact of the matter is that it's very hypocritical when people of an "OS X Emulation" community begin to bash something because they claim it "emulates" or "rips off from" something out of OS X. And again, a lot of apps do the same or come close to the same operation as an "original", but we don't see mass bashing's of those pieces of software. And a lot of times, these alternatives are offered for free too, so who's complaining?

I can't stand hypocrites. So please, unless you can say you've never, ever touched any of the OS X based apps made here on A-S, then you simply have no room to speak when it comes to Vista supposedly ripping off of OS X.

Sorry for the rant, but it's just gotten on my nerves, and after being so quiet for a while, it just had to come out. >.<

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I never knew that Aqua-Soft and the Mac emulation community were making billions from selling their apps, or spending millions on advertising campaigns claiming originality and superiority over that which they try to emulate.

You are comparing apples and pigeons.

The very fact that it is a self-described emulation community clearly puts it in a different camp than the folks at Redmond - it is for those who admire the innovation in functionality and design of OS X and seek to bring a smidgen of that to XP.

People spend a lot of time - a hell of a lot of time - tweaking/hacking/fiddling/designing for no monetary gain and in doing so pay tribute to an OS they admire. They do not deny the source of their inspiration and then try to pass it off as original thought for monetary gain.

That of course would be shameless and dishonest.

Those who reactively smite 'M$' or lavish hyperbole on 'A££le' - or vice versa - can be annoying but there is some basis for the disparity in praise and scorn - many people aspire to owning a Mac but despair for owning a PC.

All of the above should be clear to anyone who visits this site, or the hordes of others, and I get the impression that it is obvious to you.

Whether you are intentionally ignoring reality or are genuinely oblivious to the idiocy in your post I cannot judge.

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