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Multi-Plugin 2.5 for iTunes 7

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Firstly I'd like to say thanks for such a good plugin, it's the only thing that has gotten me to use itunes as I love it for it's organization but hated the way it sounded.

My problem with the latest update is that since installing, I get no sound at all. I have the latest itunes, foobar and multi-plugin and it worked fine before upgrading from 2.4, nothing has changed and I've seen a few posts with this problem but no solution. Could anyone help please?


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Is it possible trough multi-plugin or other method to change the background color of the songlist? Guess it's been asked before but didn't know what to search for.

That part is the only part of itunes that no skin ever seems to be able to adjust so it fits the overall theme which is a shame.

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First of all, this is by far the best iTunes-expanding application I've used. Thanks a lot for doing the work to make this an excellent piece of software.

I have a feature request/bug issue:

For some reason, if I have the option selected to display the now playing info in the title bar, I can't use "/itunes" to paste my now playing info into BCDC++. Perhaps because both are trying to call up the same info from the COM+ application? It's not really a big problem but it would be wonderful to be able to do both. :P

Thanks again for all the hard work!

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Thanks so much for this release! Just upgraded from 2.4.2 to 2.5.1. I'm running iTunes, Foobar with ASIO output over USB.......with no problems. Just tried flipping through the album art, and that now works without crashing also. Only bug I found so far is quitting iTunes when using the default GUI causes an error. Switched to OSX and it goes away, so I'll just use that one. Great job!

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Julian.. if that reply was for me.............

I'm using iTunes 7.0.2 + Multi-Plugin 2.5.1 with Foobar with standard DSP arrays.

I thought it could be Foobar's problem so I tried changing Audio Output to DirectSound from Kernel Streaming (previously I used Kernel Streaming in Foobar). I've also tried fiddeling with QuickTime's audio preference section, trying Safe Mode (waveout only).

But nothing has helped, Foobar Passthrough doesn't work on Network Streams.

First.tnx for this awesome plug-in..I am able to continue using Foobar as the player of choice for logitech wireless dj..Have this problem in both 2.4.2 and 2.5.1. I use Kernel Streaming DSP. Strangely it is only specific to MP3s. AACs play fine. But if I set it to DS in Foobar it works fine...Even if I do not stream the music..I get no sound when I play Mp3s with KS. The MP3s play fine within Foobar with KS and they are not protected.

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Excellent! :) I found a solution about my lil' foobar-passthrough issue. I had no sound and 100% CPU-usage.

First step was upgrading foobar to version, keeping my components and preferences... I also experienced with KS, DS and ASIO output..but still no solution.

So i completely removed foobar and all of its components, reinstalled it ( only with KS-component and IT WORKS!!

Crystalclear sound again ^^ and all work fine...yeeehhaaaa

I don't know which component causes the troubles...maybe someone find out!?

@Brodel: Try it... maybe it gonna help you..


EDIT: I found out that the Columns User Interface (foo_ui_columns.dll) and all its extensions (foo_uie_....dll) doesn't fit with the new MP 2.5!!! So you just need to

delete them in foobar2000/components folder.

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Excellent! :) I found a solution about my lil' foobar-passthrough issue. I had no sound and 100% CPU-usage.

First step was upgrading foobar to version, keeping my components and preferences... I also experienced with KS, DS and ASIO output..but still no solution.

So i completely removed foobar and all of its components, reinstalled it ( only with KS-component and IT WORKS!!

Crystalclear sound again ^^ and all work fine...yeeehhaaaa

I don't know which component causes the troubles...maybe someone find out!?

@Brodel: Try it... maybe it gonna help you..


EDIT: I found out that the Columns User Interface (foo_ui_columns.dll) and all its extensions (foo_uie_....dll) doesn't fit with the new MP 2.5!!! So you just need to

delete them in foobar2000/components folder.

Thanks a ton man, that was it. Now it's all working fine for me. I was just checking back here one last time before reinstalling everything again. :D

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I never knew there were iPods with a generation ID of 11.

Please post the iPod_11.1.2.1 file and I'll make a hebrew version of it.

btw in HP I meant Hewlett Packard, the printer company. There used to be an HP branded 4G iPod.

Edit: Nevermind, I have the file.

Im confused...HP made a version of the iPod?!?!?!

This isn't the place for such discussion, but yes, the HP logo was present on a few 4th gen iPods a while back. I don't remember exactly what the terms of the deal were, but it was cheaper :P. -NC

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Does anyone else have the problem I described earlier? I'll go over it in more detail:

when I view iTunes as a main window (ie, not in mini mode) my cpu usage shoots up to 100% and everything slows down (ie my mouse pointer doesn't move freely and can't double click anything)

This doesn't occur when iTunes is in mini mode.

This hasn't happened with any previous versions of Multiplugin and doesn't happen when Multiplugin is uninstalled.

Multiplugin 2.5.1 is a real improvement on previous versions, but unfortunately I might have to downgrade for the time being due to this issue.

It looks as if I'm the only one who suffers from this issue, so does anyone have any idea what the problem might be and how I might go about resolving it?

thanks in advance.

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I am still having a problem with foobar passthrough and this version of multiplugin.

With foobar passthrough enabled, each song ends prematurely. There is no crash; the next song just starts as if the previous one had finished. In other words, i miss the last 20 seconds or so of each song that plays.

Obviusly this is quite annoying....anyone else experienced this / have an idea how to fix it?

I desparately want the improved sound quality of foobar, but this irritation is not easy to ignore :(

Thanks in advance :)

PS i have foobar and latest itunes7. Problem occurs with both DirectSound and KernelStreaming in foobar.

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I have a bug/feature request.

Multi-Plugin doesn't recognize that "bookmarkable" AAC files like many podcasts (CBC Radio 3, etc.) cause iTunes to add a new menu ("Chapters") to the menubar. Could Multi-Plugin also add this menu when playing these types of files? It's really useful for jumping between sections of a file, esp. long files like podcasts or audiobooks.

Thanks! :)

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AARGH! Now its back! This problem of songs cutting off before they're over keeps coming back! Has no-one else had the same problems / figured out a way to fix it for good?


I have the same problem Kiboy. Haven't figured out how to fix it, other than uninstalling Mplugin, which I've had to do due to my other problem (see above).

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Yeah, I unchecked the crossfade option in itunes playback options, but still no joy. All songs seem to cut out before the are finished :(

Ocasionally the problem goes away again (usually after i fiddle with some option or other in foobar prefs) and i think i fixed it, but before long it rears its ugly head again.

It's driving me mad - i love multiplugin - and i want the improved quality of foobar...any ideas?

guess I'll try uninstalling and reinstalling multi-plugin...

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