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Special Release: iTunes + Multi-Plugin

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I gave up on iTunes & MP.

iTunes doesn't appeal to me anymore. They seem to just update for new devices . & no skinning or add ons etc

As far as MP goes - it has been 4 months since localhost has even posted at the forums.

I consider MP dead.

I have moved on to MediaMonkey & I'm Much happier with skinning MM + using pluggins & scripts.

Also it's not a resouce hog like iTunes.

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Thks for this release but when i click to install.

An error message appears : "error when applying the differences, verify that transformation access points are ok"

do i need something to execute the installation file ?


I solved the problem by changing my region settings to English (USA).

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localhost has been amazing. MP is very cool. - I don't know how one person can be responsible for keeping something like that up to date. - How can you spend dozens or hundreds of hours on it every time they update, all for free? - He probably has, like, a job & a life uknow?

-I have learned not to update iTunes right away anyway. They release them well before they are ready, then you see here, & on Apple support forums, everybody freaking out it's broken, even w/o trying to install MP. So I give it a good while, usually about when localhost releases MP update... -So I've been happily using iTunes7.0.2.16 for some time now, but I'd like to try the new higher quality non-DRM downloads from iTunes, which requires 7.4.

-As super cool as MP is, the best long-term solution would be not to need it anymore; -either a new media player, -or iTunes to start having the functionality MP provides.

-Yes I know that's been called for for some time & they (Apple) don't seem to be listening.

- Until then, does anybody know if localhost is planning a new release? Perhaps some people who want it, & have some ability, could volunteer some time? (I'm afraid I may not be much help...) What exactly keeps it from working with new iTunes version anyway? Can we do a work-around? Any ideas?

After uninstalling iTunes and then reinstalling foobar, mp and iTunes i get: The file "iTunes Library.itl" cannot be read because it was created by a newer version of iTunes. ...Anyone got any ideas? Keith
I'm sorry I don't have a link, but there are instructions for this. I think it's discussed elsewhere in these forums, & in Apple support forums, etc.-iTunes has renamed your old files as "previous" & doesn't read them anymore, instead creating new empty files, -but at least it saved them. - You make back-up copies of your library & preferences files, & rename your "old files" (the ones that have your data) & replace the files in your "new" (old version?) of iTunes with the re-named files... You have to do it with iTunes closed... - You can't roll back from a newer version of iTunes to an older one without doing this work-around.

-- My iTunes sometimes loses my settings, seemingly at random. Not too often, like every 6 months.. I keep backups of my prefs files, so it's not catastrophic, but still annoying. Does anybody know what causes this? Does it happen w/o multi-plugin installed? Is there a fix?

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I have just downloaded the multi-plugin for itunes 7 to get new skins on my itunes. everytime i try to open itunes after multi-plugin has installed i get a message that reads "The procedure entry point EnumServicesStatusA could not be located in the dynamic link library MPlugin.dll." I keep on getting this message. I have reinstalled itunes several times as well as multi-plugin and this message keeps on popping up. Can someone PLEASE help me?

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I have just downloaded the multi-plugin for itunes 7 to get new skins on my itunes. everytime i try to open itunes after multi-plugin has installed i get a message that reads "The procedure entry point EnumServicesStatusA could not be located in the dynamic link library MPlugin.dll." I keep on getting this message. I have reinstalled itunes several times as well as multi-plugin and this message keeps on popping up. Can someone PLEASE help me?

Do you have Flyakite? If so, you probablty installed the Plug-in that comes with it, and you shouldn't. Just go to uninstall Flyakte and click on uninstall iTunes MultiPlugin and try it again.

If you don't have flyakite, then...... I have no idea.

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is there some kind of newsletter, so i'll get informed as soon as itunes 7.5 is supported? :)

(mplug is just that awesome, but i did not know in advance that it's yet incompatible, so i just have to take the burden and wait...well...mmkeys for example seem to work soemtimes anyway ;))

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What breaks MP/iTunes for 7.4 - 7.5 anyway? - What needs to be updated?

- Perhaps we should be working on this as a community.

Since M-Plugin is free, unofficial software, localhost can't be expected to drop everything & fix it every 2 weeks when Apple releases a minor update ( or whatever...)

- but when major features change; iPhone support, non-DRM music store support etc. - it would be nice to update eventually.

So; Can we just fix it? Anybody have some ideas?

It has been almost a year since the iTunes + Multi-Plugin release.

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  • 4 weeks later...
After uninstalling itunes and then reinstalling foobar, mp and itunes i get: The file "iTunes Library.itl" cannot be read because it was created by a newer version of iTunes.

Anyone got any ideas?


had that problem too. i fixed it by going into my music directory and just deleting the file. it didnt seem to have any effect on my music

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