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What about a VideoSkin


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Hello ,

I want Feedback and Suggestions about the new App im goin to build these days now.. called Video Skinner , this is a Gadget like Program , in which you must have to create a Playlist of your fav. videos or add the videos from your computer . then you can put this gadget on the Desktop anywhere on the desktop with the skin. take a look at previews of application :



hope you like this and tell me ... is that ok to work more ?

Thank you.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This idea is nice. Some features I'd like to see with it would be good aspect ratio, stay on top option and maybe a scene capture button.I try to use WMP to watch videos and work at the same time, but there is no stay on top option that i know of, and you have that ugly border and controls everywhere. :-)

would you be using the WMP control object or would be be using directx or another form of drawing the video to the wiindow? Support for MOV files?

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Thanks! :)

Yess ..u can do this all yon want to ... and im using WMP object , because it contains lots of file type support..but sorry u cant play .MOV files in this... may you can play this after loading any plug in of wmp , but stil you cant withour any plug in loaded..:)

but facing some problems..like cant Adjust Volume , and Seeking the song..., hope i will fix this !

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well it all depends on how your coding this. to call the 'next' function you would use IWMPControls::next using HRESULT next(); . If your using the WMP sdk to handle the playlist also, then this call will play the next item in line given it's not the last item in line. youd have to use the get_currentPlaylist method to get the pointer to the list. are you using the activex object, or you coding programaticaly?(sp) creating controls at runtime.

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  • 3 years later...

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