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Experiencing problems with iTunes after installation? Read this!


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it does alot of things and the thread for it is here . you might want to try searching for it before making new threads, it's the first hit when you search the forum (it was until you made this thread). you can disable what it does and customize it in the preferences and if you want to uninstall, run the installer again

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riccjohn, your iTunes doesn't work because the version of mPlugin that comes with FlyakiteOSX is for an older version of iTunes. If you're on iTunes 7.0.x, download the version from the following thread:


This will prompt you to uninstall the version that was installed with FlyakiteOSX. Uninstall it, and if you'd like the benefits of mPlugin (enumerated in the thread I linked you to), double click it again to install.

However, there's no version of mPlugin out yet for iTunes 7.1 (expect a release sometime soon is my guess). Download the file anyway to uninstall the older version of mPlugin, but don't bother trying to reinstall mPlugin.

//Thread Stickied, Renamed because we keep getting questions like these.

Hope this helps,


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  • 1 month later...
  • 6 months later...

yeah i have some problems with opening iTunes with RK Launcher, i have the latest version of flyakite (3.5) and i didn't install the multiplugin... but when i have an iTunes icon in the Launcher, it says that iTunes.exe is not a valid win32 operation...anyway to fix this???


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  • 4 months later...

I've removed the multiplugin, but now when I try to reinstall iTunes it says: "The iTunes + QuickTime installer requires Windows XP Service Pack 2 or later. To install the latest Windows XP Service Pack, use Windows Update"

what do I do now???

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  • 4 weeks later...

i need help!

i do not know what to do and i need iTunes urgent!

i am trying to run iTunes but it shows an error message, i uninstall the plugin,

so it says that it cannot find the plugin file.

so i downloaded it again, and same problem.

I just got an iPod Touch today and I was so eager to put all my music on it,

and now i can't access it. somebody help!

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