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shell32 AVI Files like Vista's

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Windows Vista does not use AVI-files anymore, but you can do the following:

Download the Vistamizer [it's like Flyakite OS X] from http://www.public.sytes.net/hoefs/windows/...vistamizer#down

and install it. It will transform your current Windows XP OS into Vista. If you don't want to install the complete pack, then extract the EXE with 7-zip or something else and search for the AVI's.

Note: This is a german tool, but it won't affect your system language and should be easy to install.

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Yes, thanx

exactly what i was meaning (xp transformation vista like)

actually i do not want to install a pack, because i'm customizing system files by my own

so, if i will be able to unpack res files from it, i will use them to modify my sys files as i want

thank you for your help

last question:

since now i modified few (20) dll & exe sys files (xp pro) for about 260 icons

i made all changes pointing a lot of attention on congruency and quality of icons

most of them are from vista icon packs, while others are from different icon suites

i'll be happy to realase these files, but

1) i did not made icons; and actually i don't remind who made them, in order to ask them permission to release

2) would it be interesteng for someone?

i think to someone that probably looks, as me, for a not completely sys icon replacemente, but actually a few but accurate, soft and quality revision of xp icons

anyway thanxs for all


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Maybe the "Vista Customization Pack" contains those AVI's. I've downloaded it for you, but can't extract the setup.exe with 7-zip. Nevertheless. you can download the latest version here: http://www.joejoe.org/Vista_Customization_Pack/

There is also another pack called "Vista Transformation Pack". On screenshots, it has modified AVI's. You can download it here:


I wasn't able to extract the EXE as well.

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