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LuminifiedGUI >> Desktop Customization Blog

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The images near the top have lost a little quality and you can see some aliasing/pixelation. Also, if you're going to use those navigation images up top, make em functional! at least to some extent. (The RSS button) (The home icon) The Title text at the top, "Luminified GUI," seems a little out of place. I'm not even sure it's needed. I like the url bar image alot.

Other than that it'll look pretty good once you sharpen the images a bit.

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The images near the top have lost a little quality and you can see some aliasing/pixelation. Also, if you're going to use those navigation images up top, make em functional! at least to some extent. (The RSS button) (The home icon) The Title text at the top, "Luminified GUI," seems a little out of place. I'm not even sure it's needed. I like the url bar image alot.

Other than that it'll look pretty good once you sharpen the images a bit.

Thanks for the feedback. But that's why it's under construction. ;-)

I had something planned for those navigational buttons on the top, I just haven't gotten my coding to work right yet >_<.

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