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Leopard talk

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One thing i dislike about the appereance is that in Tiger it was kinda well structured, i mean everything looked just right, for example if you take the icons the collumn view or whatever in finder was optimized to show the icons of the apps in theyr full resolution "just right" as i say and you could simple be stunned by how beautiful everything appeared, now with the coverflow wiev in finder you can find yourself looking at a pixelated icon any time though. genneraly i like the performance and everything, the new features are stunning and very helpful unlike the totally useless pirated features of vista.

edit: though its true that the new icons such as folders of safari for example are much bigger so i guess apple will do something about this in the final release .. anyway its something to be a bit worried about i guess :D i i do think they kinda ****ed up the interface perhaps cause they were going for the resolution independent UI and that didnt quiet work out for them so they got stuck with the look theyve developed over time for the REs. indp. UI ... well ... id like to have the aqua option back for that matter

also i dont really know what to think about the rounded corner of the drop down menus .. i kinda likedd it before and now it might just be kinda nostalgic to see them changed ... the whole thing is a mess though i mean if this is what they cole uniffication :D:D:D then i guess i might just look like brad pitt ... hey girls ... where art thou?

oh man ... is the aquasoft dieing or what? i remember times where there were more that 15 people online and the average age at this fforum as over 15 as well. i was hoping for some real conversation here yet i guess ill gotta stick with macthemes :D

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i really hate the new sidebar style, it's hideous.

the finderbar will be kinda hard for me to get used to.

i find the toolbar buttons in a finder window HIDEOUS.

the folder icons are....tied with the ones from tiger.

i find the skin a bit too darkish.


glad they ditched the brushed, but not for what they replaced it with.

love the application icons, simply delicious.

that's my opinion.

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what you mean by that? ... its a thread about opinions not for leopard haters... and i myself like many things about it as i said the performance is excellent and the new features are stunning i just think the appereance is not what they were actually going for but what they got stuck with and hope theyll make up to it and will see a completelly stunning final release ...

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:D:D:D ... well i consider that to be a well played joke by the apple side again ... acctually i think well not see the transparent menubar in the final release. and well ... yes i still mean what i said. have been using vista for a week and i did not see any point in having those kinda nicely done but absoluely useless window switching dunno even how to call it. the thing when the windoze line up one after anotha and you can scroll through them kinda i guess its done with alt+tab. Apples done it once done it simply and done it right with expose and then they did it again with teh spaces although i guess you could point out that they got the idea from VirtueDesktops yet i did have VirtueDesktop and didnt get much use of it. Apple might have got the idea from there but they have pushed it a step further and i find it very useful unlike the virtue desktop or the useless vista features with nice appereance but no function
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:D:D:D ... well i consider that to be a well played joke by the apple side again ... acctually i think well not see the transparent menubar in the final release. and well ... yes i still mean what i said. have been using vista for a week and i did not see any point in having those kinda nicely done but absoluely useless window switching dunno even how to call it. the thing when the windoze line up one after anotha and you can scroll through them kinda i guess its done with alt+tab. Apples done it once done it simply and done it right with expose and then they did it again with teh spaces although i guess you could point out that they got the idea from VirtueDesktops yet i did have VirtueDesktop and didnt get much use of it. Apple might have got the idea from there but they have pushed it a step further and i find it very useful unlike the virtue desktop or the useless vista features with nice appereance but no function

If you want to be taken more seriously, consider constructing your arguments legibly. And frankly, you just sound like a blind Apple fanboy.

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  • 3 weeks later...

@rjohnstone, @Quillz ... i do not really bother what you guys think i look like ... i surely am not a blind apple fanboy as you stated it. Actually id say ive had quite a few problems with my mac and i havent had it even a year yet. Anyway i agree i did not make myself very clear with that post actually it was a pretty tireing evening when i wrote that and i guess i just felt like having a chat with you guys in here about these issues. Yet i do not think that is an old topic and it that was not even my point anyway. Also rjonstone, it felt like you meant to say that you have read couple more of my posts and consider them all to be horribly structured and unreadable which i am not avare of though and wouldnt say so myself

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All I asked was that you use a return key every now and then.

Long, run on sentences are hard to read.

Trying to read a post that does not have any breaks in it can be difficult. It tends to make people ignore most of what you post. It also gives some of us who are really trying to understand your point a major headache. At this point, we stop giving a damn and then go about chastising you for your inability to construct a legible post.

Thank you. :)

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Guest Yami Bakura

I like the new menubar, better for the eyes (less eye strain).

I like the glossy reflective new Dock, better than the current Dock.

With iPhoto '08 having iTunes 7 scrollbars, it's clear that Leopard will have iTunes 7 scrollbars through the entire system. I like the iTunes 7 scrollbars.

I like the new folders too.

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I like the new menubar, better for the eyes (less eye strain).

I like the glossy reflective new Dock, better than the current Dock.

With iPhoto '08 having iTunes 7 scrollbars, it's clear that Leopard will have iTunes 7 scrollbars through the entire system. I like the iTunes 7 scrollbars.

I like the new folders too.

I like all those too!

Now, especially the folders.

I love the stacks and the new window look!

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@rjohnstone appology accepted :D ... and i see what you mean, guess i'll try to make my posts shorter and pointier

though this is actually the way i write even in my own language so i can't really promise you anything, but perhaps you'll see an improvement in my later posts as i might try to follow your advice

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  • 2 weeks later...

Stacks looks like a great feature, agreed. Albeit it's just a visual improvement over right clicking a folder in the dock...

Spaces I'll have to try before I can give my final verdict on.

Time Machine is something that looks great, but I'm not sure if I'll need it. I've rarely had the problem of loosing any files forever. But we'll see I suppose.

My favorite feature is Quick Look. I can't wait to try that out, and I have no idea how I'm going to wait for October to come. Oh well.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Not a bit fan of the transparent menu bar. Thank Unsanity for Shapeshifter! Phew.

I like the new dock, but I still will mod it, because I like the flatness of the current one. However, that may change by the time I use it.

My one question is: how much of an increase will there be in terms of resources used by the operating system? I definitely won't be a big fan of it if it means that Photoshop, Aperture,et. al. will slow down just to render reflections and transparency.

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