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Apple losing the mystery?

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is it me or is apple becoming less mysterious as they are no more able to conceal their new releases before the actual special event or whatever. ever since the iPhone the rumors were almost always right and even the iPhone they predicted but i think that was too a long run product to conceal successfully until the release but still is it just me then? :D

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The new nano had a leaked photo almost a week before it was released today. People came up with mockups of the iPod touch that were almost 100% accurate, but that's just people being creative.

I definitely think they need to step up on the leakage security. That was one thing I loved about apple was there ability to surprise us.

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The new nano had a leaked photo almost a week before it was released today. People came up with mockups of the iPod touch that were almost 100% accurate, but that's just people being creative.

I definitely think they need to step up on the leakage security. That was one thing I loved about apple was there ability to surprise us.

Wrong it is not them being creative, it is apple losing creativity. Those people were going with a known design the iphone, usually apple surprises us with something entirely new. Today however it was just an iphone with features removed.

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Wrong it is not them being creative, it is apple losing creativity. Those people were going with a known design the iphone, usually apple surprises us with something entirely new. Today however it was just an iphone with features removed.

I have to ask, and I don't mean to sound rude (or to start a flame war), but is it your goal to litter every thread about the newest Apple products with your distaste for them? First, the "New iPods" thread in the news section, and now this. I don't mean to sound rude, or to do a moderator's job, but a little tact would go a long way, in my opinion.


Back on topic: I do think Apple needs to step up some security. I wrote about this on my blog, how the iMac, iLife (and iWork), and now the new iPods were all unofficially previewed in advance, some to great levels of detail. I think this is one of the major reasons Apple's stock took a 5% hit today.

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I have to ask, and I don't mean to sound rude (or to start a flame war), but is it your goal to litter every thread about the newest Apple products with your distaste for them? First, the "New iPods" thread in the news section, and now this. I don't mean to sound rude, or to do a moderator's job, but a little tact would go a long way, in my opinion.

Hardly and I think if you truly read what I have put in many threads, that I was looking forward to the newest rendition of the ipod for some time, actually about two years since the wide screen idea first surfaced. Sorry to ruin your parade, but my opinion seems to differ from yours so get over it. I think apple blew it and looking at the response here, on digg, engadget and many other places I would say the majority is agreeing with me, but that does not in any way mean I wanted it to be that way. I really would have liked to see a device come out that fulfilled what many of us were looking for but it simply didn't happen. I as many feel apple is losing the "touch" their products no longer seem to have that same sparkle and originality to them. I could go on, but really just because I disagree with you, and quite possibly many in the forums doesn't mean I am flame-baiting I am just looking to report my opinion and receive yours. I think that usually keeps things more interesting.

On the stock hit I think the ipod lineup truly did disappoint. I think they tried too hard with the lineup to preserve iphone sales by not competing with themselves, and I find that to be a large mistake. The ipod is a proven product that when done right will be guaranteed to sell, and the nano has been the most successful ipod ever and the screwed the pooch on that one royally. I also don't think the iphone has long term selling potential, perhaps with the price drop it will have another great month, but I don't see many people other than early adopters and true apple fans buying them, even at the $399 price point. When you can get most phones for free to $100 why spend that much?

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Wrong it is not them being creative, it is apple losing creativity. Those people were going with a known design the iphone, usually apple surprises us with something entirely new. Today however it was just an iphone with features removed.

But the thing is that Apple also makes designs that are practical. Since 2004, the current iMac design has been just that... practical. It's allowed for a quiet system with optimal cooling and room for expansion. Back in lamp shade days, this wasn't the case, so in an effort to make their computers better, they constantly came out with wild new designs.

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Frankly Speaking.... I checked couple of videos and user photos of iPod nano and seriously they doesn't look that bad as much as they seem in apple press shots. The colors in real seem to be good enough (I still hate that pastel green shade, but the blue doesn't look as bad as I thought).

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Frankly Speaking.... I checked couple of videos and user photos of iPod nano and seriously they doesn't look that bad as much as they seem in apple press shots. The colors in real seem to be good enough (I still hate that pastel green shade, but the blue doesn't look as bad as I thought).

Yeah, check out the shots of both the 3G nano and iPod classic on Engadget, and you'll see that the nano especially looks pretty nice. I don't know why they look so terrible on Apple's site, but once you see them up close, they are really very slick. And the new interface is nice, as well. (Anyone else notice it appears that Podium Sans has been swapped for a new humanist typeface?)

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Yeah, check out the shots of both the 3G nano and iPod classic on Engadget, and you'll see that the nano especially looks pretty nice. I don't know why they look so terrible on Apple's site, but once you see them up close, they are really very slick. And the new interface is nice, as well. (Anyone else notice it appears that Podium Sans has been swapped for a new humanist typeface?)

This is probably telling us that Apple's photoshopped images are getting worse. Maybe it's difficult to make this particular kind of metal look fantastic in a photo shoot type of situation?

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I'm not sure how much photoshopping or any editing done on those pics on Apple website... or is it really Apple's fault, but those photos on website doesn't do a bit of justice to product. When I'm looking at user videos and photos, in actual hand in real life situation the product (Nano, Classic) looks way better. As a matter of fact.. the new iPod nano ad on Apple website has better feel of nano than the still shots in gallery.

Can anyone who has Apple Store nearby, visit and see the stuff in real life? and confirm this?

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I'm not sure how much photoshopping or any editing done on those pics on Apple website...

Generally speaking, I'd wager that a good chunk of it has been digitally manipulated. For example, the interface is probably completely added in afterwards, and the colours have probably been tweaked.

Off topic, but check out the original iPod website, just for kicks. I stumbled upon this when I was trying to find a decent picture to illustrate my point. I can't remember which product it was, but there was one iPod product that was very obviously photoshopped.

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Just so you all know the new stuff is at Circuit City, not for sale, but you can play with them. I am going to stop by tomorrow.

On the photoshoping someone definitely didn't do a good job on the editing, the reflections don't match, several photos show bluetooth, but engadget ran a story that it is confirmed bluetooth is not on the ipod touch. Seems the product pictures were a little rushed or someone was very lazy. I am still torn on what I want to get though. The touch with 16gigs, or an iphone with 8gigs for the same price seeing as they will soon be unlock able, or do I go with the classic though featureless comparatively I could carry more tunes. Or maybe I will go with another company, I am stuck. Maybe I will have a better idea after "playing" tomorrow.

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Just so you all know the new stuff is at Circuit City, not for sale, but you can play with them. I am going to stop by tomorrow.

On the photoshoping someone definitely didn't do a good job on the editing, the reflections don't match, several photos show bluetooth, but engadget ran a story that it is confirmed bluetooth is not on the ipod touch. Seems the product pictures were a little rushed or someone was very lazy. I am still torn on what I want to get though. The touch with 16gigs, or an iphone with 8gigs for the same price seeing as they will soon be unlock able, or do I go with the classic though featureless comparatively I could carry more tunes. Or maybe I will go with another company, I am stuck. Maybe I will have a better idea after "playing" tomorrow.

How do you know the iPhone will be officially unlocked soon? The exclusive contract with AT&T is very profitable, and I don't see that going away anytime soon.

Between the iPod classic and iPod touch, what do you value more? If you want more storage for the dollar, absolutely get the iPod classic. With its new user interface, it certainly received quite the upgrade. The iPod touch has a much lower storage for the dollar ratio, but what you get out of it is more durable solid-state memory and Wi-Fi.

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Apple lost on the iPod Nano war, but everything else was unexpected. No one foresaw refreshed Shuffles, iPod Classic, iPod Touch ("wide-aspect touchscreen iPod" is NOT a prediction of the iPod Touch), features on the new Nano, the Starbucks partnership, and the wireless iTunes store.

The difference between Apple now and Apple, say, two years ago, is just one thing: mainstream acceptance.

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So today after school I headed on out to the Apple Store on 5th Avenue. They sold out of the iPod Touch, and the Classic 80GB.

I did touch and play with the Classic and Nano. The Classic is pretty nice, except that the color wheel really stands out from the case (on the Black one), considering the matte finish.

Besides that, the curved and rounded edges throughout the casing made me get a great feel of the machine, and felt really solid.

I currently own an iPod 2G. I know that the thickness is the same, but the 3G nano feels even thinner. I've come to the conclusion that I think this mainly because its wider. The colors aren't too bad, but I still think the beige-ish one is terrible, even up close, and I still say that Apple should've stuck with the original colours.

The Nano froze up on me twice, and I had to hold the Menu and Center button to manually reboot it. Then as I was listening to one of the demo songs on it (some song by Nelly Fertado), it automatically rebooted itself. That really pissed me off, as my 2G also does that, but with this Nano it happened 3 times in the 5 minutes I used it. It was the show model, so I assume it had something to do with that.

Hopefully on Monday (when I plan to go back) they will have the Touch and I'll be able to fiddle around with that a bit.

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How do you know the iPhone will be officially unlocked soon? The exclusive contract with AT&T is very profitable, and I don't see that going away anytime soon.

Between the iPod classic and iPod touch, what do you value more? If you want more storage for the dollar, absolutely get the iPod classic. With its new user interface, it certainly received quite the upgrade. The iPod touch has a much lower storage for the dollar ratio, but what you get out of it is more durable solid-state memory and Wi-Fi.

iphonesimfree is going to be realesed monday, so you will be able to software unlock our iphone sometime next week, its pretty much all over the tech news, look at engadget.

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