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Weather and Aviation World


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Alright, I agree it needs work, such as the header, and the navigation.

The images are spectacular, and is the content of the site, which is great.

Just try getting a nicer logo, navigation and footer. Also what's with the blue on the right? (sorry i'm viewing in widescreen)

Not liking the gradient background so much either.

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Well, the photos are gorgeous. But the rest of the site really takes away from it all. For example, what's with the "grass" logo? It doesn't make sense with the content. Second, the background took ages to load for me, and my internet is fast. Maybe try compressing it? Also, it really doesn't tile well. Third, the navigation at the top apparently doesn't have an onmouseout control for the images. I moused over them (they were blue initially) and they turned gold. They're still gold. OK... the ones with the drop down menus change back. But the other three menus are still gold. The gallery looks seperate from the rest of the site and not integrated properly.

A good foundation, but I think it could use some work in the areas I pointed out above.

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Great move to wordpress...

Not liking the template you chose. I have a suggestion though.

If you visit my site (in my signature) and view the bottom left, where I have a flickr feed setup.

All you'd need to do is use a Flickr account, or make a group like I did, and you can see all photos on one page, or on the sidebar, highly customizable. PM me if you like :D

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