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MySillyPenguin's new location

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Due to a drastic turn of events, Mysillypenguin has lost everything. Thankfully, we we're able to save the database of vB, so no member's information nor forum info has been lost.

Although, we lost the skin. So, we need to get that redone.

Also thanks to another admin, Dan, for letting us use his domain and server until we can get our own once again.

new location of mysillypenguin, now un-named...its just 'penguin' as of now:


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it isn't all about linux....its about computers in general.

And...so what...I still created it didn't I? I needed to create it to put it in there, right?

why bash. do you honestly have nothing else better to do? Maybe its you that should invest in something better to do with your time.

At least I'm actually trying to do something, trying to be productive.

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