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Leopard Shell32.dll

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  • 2 months later...
to ultimatsz: The shell32.dll in Leopard Mods on Xp is not Leopard but tiger stolen from Flyakite. But I´d like to have a Leopard one, did anybody make it?

Yes, it seems these do contain tiger stuff and hence are probably ripped. Can somebody confirm that, are they really what they seem?

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Can anybody make new shell32.dll or modify shell32 from Flyakite to new one with Leopard icons especialy folders? Other icons arent in my opinion different, maybe few of them.. thx

Just replace the folder icon in the Flyakite Resources folder--->Shell32 dll folder and run Force system file update

Good luck !

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even with the files being overwritten, FAK's system files updater would have kicked in (presumably,) and done it's thing... the success of which is what I was curious about.

Phantom_Lord, thanks for the post, that's exactly the kind of experience I was hoping someone would share. with the release candidate, I was hoping someone would have some interesting stories to recount.

Edit: a cookie to anyone interested in being brave

~ install FAK3.5 on SP2 and update to SP3 RC1

~ update SP3 RC1 and then install FAK3.5

Glorious thread posts await you. ;)

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Reource Hacker. My windows is german. But I do not guess it can change disks. Though I do not know about languages and fonts or whatever in shell32. As I said I just changed the symbols for my own, as some applications use the shell32 for icons. For normal use I have IconPackage installed.

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  • 4 months later...

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