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Desktop Effects


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Desktop Effects Preview

This application is a preview, and will expire on 25 November 2007.

New version, expires 25 November

Snow effect

Fire effect

Video wallpaper

Photo Slideshow

Desktop scribbler

Underwater wallpaper


Desktop Effects is an application that ads special effects to your desktop. Forget the boring static wallpaper, but use a dynamic Photo Slideshow to your desktop. Use your desktop to scribble notes on it.

Effects are simple COM plugins, which allow new plugins to be developed quickly in a multitude of languages and environments. Windows Dreamscene, video-as-wallpaper, can easily be made possible writing a small plugin.




+ Windows Vista, with Aero enabled.

+ Visual Studio 2005 SP1 Runtime DLLs: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details...;displaylang=en

+ DX9 November Update: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details...;displaylang=en



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It works in decent browsers, such as IE and Opera. I'll update it for people using other, appearantly stupid, browsers.

I'm actually using Firefox, which IS a decent not stupid browser, and when I click a preview link it says not found. and then when i switched the to / it worked...

Edit: Works in IE... I guess this is just a firefox problem since it doesn't even show the preview in the first place :slant:

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  • 5 months later...

Andreas, How r u doing man? 4 months ago I sent you an email regarding with my problem with the DesktopFx. I admired your work and I love it including those amazing softwares from your site, so neat. Now back to my issue, i had a problem after using the video wallpaper, my desktop crashes when i left-click on it and turns my wallpaper into black.Meaning, my desktop just turned useless because i can't do the option thing in it. I tried reinstalling and found out that the DesktopFx installer is already expired. Before, you email me back after 2days ( thanks anyway about that!) and told me that i should do something with the registry intries.But evetually that morning that i read your email the problem was surprisingly gone.So i didn't bother to change anything with the registry and also forgot to response to your email (sorry about that!). I waited for the next release of the desktopFx and got it working again with my windows vista. For 2 months there were no problem issues, i've learned not to use the video wallpaper again, UNTIL TODAY.

I did try to use the video wallpaper (tempted, i guess!). It was just working fine until my next reboot. Now, my desktop is black, can't do anything with it and again im so worried. I checked your site and there's no update for the software (expired on july 16,2008).To my fustration, after completely uninstalling the desktopFx i went to the REGEDIT and deleted the DesktopFx folder in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE. After a couple of rebooting and registry defraugmentaion i still got the same problem.I spent the whole afternoon looking for solution in Google, i read some of the forums that you were in including aqua-soft but I FOUND NO SOLUTION.

I guess it's up to the genius who made this.Please dude, i need your help.

Thank you anyway for sharing your cool apps.

When are you releasing the august edition of DesktopFx? I would definitely still use it.

Hope to hear from you if you have time.Thanx

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  • 2 weeks later...

hello there.

I have vista home prem.

I am interested in using the photo slideshow as wallpaper.

I have installed desktopeffects, installation went well no error, but I do not see any "configure desktop effects" in context menu :(

I have follwed the instructions i.e downloaded runtime files etc but no luck.

any idea why.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

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