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Flying Cow

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  • 2 weeks later...

hi folks,

this is my first time with OpenGL and i have no plan how does it work. But today i figured out why the application doesn't work in D2007.

First issue:

The declaration in Delphi7 and below for the API function "InterlockedCompareExchange" is:

function InterlockedCompareExchange(

var Destination: Pointer;

Exchange: Pointer;

Comperand: Pointer

): Pointer stdcall;

But in Delphi 2007:

function InterlockedCompareExchange(

var Destination: Longint;

Exchange: Longint;

Comperand: Longint

): Longint stdcall;

And in MSDN

LONG __cdecl InterlockedCompareExchange(

__inout LONG volatile* Destination,

__in LONG Exchange,

__in LONG Comparand


The small fix for unitFlyingCow.pas to work in D2007 is:

{$IF CompilerVersion <= 15.0}

if InterlockedCompareExchange(Pointer(fCaptionCS), Pointer(1), Pointer(0)) = Pointer(0) then


if InterlockedCompareExchange(Integer(fCaptionCS),1 , 0) = 0 then


And so on.....

The second issue:

For OpenGL I'm using dglOpenGL:


this version of DGLOpenGL.pas on wiki.delphigl.com is absolutely crap. You need this "DLGOpenGL.pas" on http-www-delphigl.com/do_download.php?f=12000. This is the right version.

If you take the first one i you project and the command "glClearColor (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);" was called (on line 422 in unitFlyingCow.pas) the application crash and the CPU clime up on 100%.

Now the application work like a charm.

I have an another question:

Which program you are using to convert verdana font to verdana.dat?

Best regards


PS: Sorry for my rusty English ;-)

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  • 3 weeks later...
(...) I have an another question:

Which program you are using to convert verdana font to verdana.dat?

First: thanks Firecracker6, I haven't visited Aqua-Soft in a while, and I'd have missed some important posts.

For the verdana.dat file, I wrote a program to generate it.

The true is, God knows what happened to that program.

However I'll write it again if you're interested (and I'll upload it with sources).

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Sorry for ''double-posting'', but because of date difference, I supposed I ought do a separate post.

I'm porting FlyingCow to C. The idea is to do a generic FlyingCow which can be compiled on Windows and Linux (and other S.O.s, the more the better) and which can have many interfaces (.dll, object-oriented for Delphi, .ocx, .NET component, etc...)

Also I want to do this in such a way anyway can contribute to the project in a centralized way, so I'll use a Subversion repository.

Also I want to have a Wiki.

This would require a lot of bandwith, but because FlyingCow is GPL, I found a good place for it:


By now I'm providing the legacy Delphi 5 source code there. It would be interesting to have a Delphi 2007 version of the sources.

Also I wanted to note I've been investigating ffmpeg library for audio and video, and it turned to be very easy to use, so next version will use that for video (and audio, and yes I mean maybe items which really are folders with a folder.jpg for item picture and all the .mp3s inside as playlist).

This also means the Stacks Docklet will become vastly unmaintained, I'll consider putting up a Wiki for it... mmm... somewhere.

About WinExposé, I sincerely suggest Switcher on Aero capable computers and DExposé on anything else (haven't tested DExposé on Aero, probably it's smoother than Switcher).

Edit: changed 'bastly' to 'vastly'

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Great news about opening up Flying Cow as a component. Looking forward to dropping it into a few things, movieClerk for sure and going from there. I've been looking into WPF to handle it but would rather stick with Form for a little while longer. Thanks a lot mate! :)

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  • 5 weeks later...

Woaw awesome application

==> i hope that it could be used later as an explorer, in order to see folders etc....

and i hope that this application will support the drag and drop folders for instance...

anyhow reallly really Good apllication, hope to see next release....this application have a really big potential, maybe latr this apllication will be used as explorer, with skinning options, zooms, etc... :D

luck ;)

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Sorry for ''double-posting'', but because of date difference, I supposed I ought do a separate post.

I'm porting FlyingCow to C. The idea is to do a generic FlyingCow which can be compiled on Windows and Linux (and other S.O.s, the more the better) and which can have many interfaces (.dll, object-oriented for Delphi, .ocx, .NET component, etc...)

Please make it a DLL, it's the most compatible out there and .ocx need administrator privileges to be registered using regsvr32 (fun times with UAC or on computers on which you have limited rights)

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Ok having trouble with viewing .pdf formats at times.

The thing is that I can view a few certain .pdfs without system crashing

But usually crashes when viewing folder that has just all pdfs inside and when trying to view my work which I converted to .pdf format using Microsoft Word 2007 Add-In

I actually wouldn't be bothered so much if the program just crashed and I could end it easily with Ctrl - Alt -Del but it seems to take the whole computer down slowing everything down, crashing open programs etc and thats even after its been terminated!

Any suggestions on how to stop this and get pdfs working fullY?

Other than that I think this program is absolutley amazing

Also to make it that bit better. Is there a skin that makes it look more like coverflow with the leopard esque styling?


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  • 3 weeks later...

Ok, I reuploaded this one:


BTW FlyingCow is more intended toward developers. It's not meant to be used by end users.

Stay tuned until preview of FingerXP, a Finder clone which will have all four Finder view modes:

  • Icons mode (done).
  • List mode (done).
  • Multi-column mode (done).
  • Cover Flow mode (13% complete).

Wow thats a tremendous thing to look forward to.:cool: :D

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