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Stacks Docklet

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Matonga, any chance of looking into the bug I posted earlier? It prevents me from using this great docklet.

It seems that it doesn't work with RKLauncher, when it is on the right edge of the screen.

If RKL starts on the right side with Stacks, the stacks animation is briefly seen in the upper right corner.

If RKL is then moved to another side, stacks is correctly shown; if RKL is then moved back to the right, stacks appears in its previous place on the other side.

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Ok here goes: http://www.zero1productions.com/images/objectdock_stacks.jpg (or see attachment)

1. Dock with Grid Stack

2. Dock with Normal Stack

3. Menu to tell the docks position. (for some reason, this always stays on bottom whenever object dock reloads, and then I have to manually change it to top after each reboot or OD reload - If I don't do this, the grid or stack menu goes to top of the monitor out of viewable area.)

4. Menu indicating that the Dock is not always on top. (if it is then this would have to be checked)

If you notice... the dock always remains on top of the stacks....


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I actually got a request for you, and a rather pathetic one at that: I really loved the grid effect you set out with, it was super fast and sweet (december 16th, I believe). I'm sure the new effect is more Mac-ish, but IMHO not quite as pleasing visually. Any chance of making an option to choose between the "old" and new effect in future versions?

On Dave Double U's remark I installed the old version dating back to Dec 17th and indeed the animation was much smoother and faster than it is now. I too would prefer having the old-style display.

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I can't put it on top of the dock, because icons would popup from front the dock icon instead back of the dock icon (this was requested some pages ago).

What I can do is put a margin or something like that, so items will pop far below that menu you have in your screenshots (remember I have RocketDock so can't test it and I think this would be good solution, if you have a better one don't doubt to post it ;)).

@chatpristi, dave double u:

This is because of icon scaling on something I never finished and would be optional anyway, so I removed it by now ;) Animations should be smoother again.

Edit: oops, I uploaded wrong version, wait a second.

Edit: ok, uploaded right version, check it.

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I like this docklet. I think an interesting visual improvement would be to make the stacks appear in perspective. for instance when a stack appears on the left side of the dock it sways left, if from the center it appears centered, and from right it leans right.

Individual icon and label zoom would be an added feature. and maybe when you click an icon it zooms into the center and fades or something more creative as an animation.

these are just ideas or feature requests. I fully respect the emulation of the OSX Dock bar,

But why not ONE UP it.

If we can we should.

You have done a great job recently, GOOD WORK!!!

Jon West aka Electrik Jesus



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Yes it looks smoother although it's not as lightening fast as the old version (at least in grid mode), but it's excellent as it is.

So, now you've disabled dock freezing while the stack is open, will you make it an option that can be enabled or disabled at will? Actually I can't decide which is best (I think I had got used to the dock freezing)

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Wow I love this. I haven't seen work like this since Mr. Y left the scene.

I hope you continue your work on the OpenGL Cubik aswell, I think the responses here was underwhelming for something that I am sure wasn't easy to do. (I always wished Yod'm or whatever it is now was coded in OpenGL. I don't know why but I prefer OpenGL for things that relate to the interface and screen savers. I guess my favorite n64 emulator was based on OpenGL)

Also instead of me having to duplicate my Stacks folder so I can have multiple stacks without a Class error message (in RK launcher) could you program it to accept multiple instances of it? I have set mine up to have a Grid view for my Desktop icons, and I have fanned out my Office applications, Adobe applications and my downloads. So I have 4 stacks going.

Also to whoever said make the fonts smaller need to stfu. I am on 1920x1200 here on a 17" widescreen and any smaller my eyes are going to implode. I like being able to control the font size but I would also like to choose its boldness as well.

Also additions that could be made would be to drag and drop icons out of Grids, Fans and also drag icons into them as well and not just the dock icon. Also branching fans for folders would be an interesting effect.


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Also instead of me having to duplicate my Stacks folder so I can have multiple stacks without a Class error message (in RK launcher) could you program it to accept multiple instances of it? I have set mine up to have a Grid view for my Desktop icons, and I have fanned out my Office applications, Adobe applications and my downloads. So I have 4 stacks going.

Maybe i'm wrong but I read that somebody here resolved this problem with a copy of the docklet renamed like stackdocklet2.dll,then when you add a docklet you can see stackdocklet and stackdocklet2 and with 2 of the first and 2 of the second you have 4 stack and 0 problem.

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I added support for unicode folders.


For any stack with accents and such stuff, you will have to reconfigure the stack. Even myself suffered from this update, I had folders such as:

C:Documents and settingsMatíasMis documentos

Which now looks like:

C:Documents and settingsMatÃ-asMis documentos

Which is ugly... but now folders with kanji characters and such can be used.


Now folders with kanji characters and such can be used.


Sadly this is an RK Launcher specific problem (multiple instances), not my fault :(. If you are not using RK Launcher then it may be my fault, in such case tell me which dock.

About font boldness, it has been requested a lot, so it will be available in next release ;)

About CubikDesktop... this is a Mac emulation forum. Indeed someone (sorry, forgot name) suggested me doing a Spaces clone :P but the Beryl cube is something from Linux world, nothing to do with Mac, and so in turn with this forum. Also Yodm is much more stable, though sadly doesn't perfectly emulate the Beryl cube.

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About CubikDesktop... this is a Mac emulation forum. Indeed someone (sorry, forgot name) suggested me doing a Spaces clone :P but the Beryl cube is something from Linux world, nothing to do with Mac, and so in turn with this forum. Also Yodm is much more stable, though sadly doesn't perfectly emulate the Beryl cube.

I am currently working on a spaces clone, process is quite good but still needs work. Just wanted to mention it ;)

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Good to know, pal! I hope you start a thread soon about it and some link to test ;)



Ok, the fan/grid moves with the dock icon.

It will also stick to the screen border if you have autohide enabled for the dock... I'm working on some way to temporarily disable such behavior (there isn't documentation to implement that, except for DockletSetLockMouseEffect).



Updated a timer interval, fan/grid should now move smoother with the dock icon.



Ok, I'm dealing with the autohide thing... check the last version (bit unstable, I mean, sometimes it autohides though, but most times it works, at least with RocketDock).

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Wow ! I mean... WOW ! I'm really impressed, I never thought you'd be able to make the stack move with the dock that quickly, that's awesome!...

I've just tried displaying a huge image folder (which my screen is too small to display... si it's big you see!) I thought there might be some glitch ot the frame would jump as the dock moves... It's as smooth as my baby's skin!


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Ok, the fan/grid moves with the dock icon.

It will also stick to the screen border if you have autohide enabled for the dock... I'm working on some way to temporarily disable such behavior (there isn't documentation to implement that, except for DockletSetLockMouseEffect).

this is wird, cand this option be optional, select if you want or not the fan/grid to move with the dock

and the sort by: Name, Creation time, Last Modified time, last acces time and kind ... does not work anymore

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Im using Objectdock and Im having issues where the stacks docklet wont close until I click on the icon again or I click on the desktop.. If I click on another icon the stacks docklet wont close until the program opens.

Since I use the flyout menu in OD the flyout menu ends up going over my stacks menu if I miss click the stacks docklet then click the flyout menu I have them both on my screen..

Im not sure if this is what its suppose to do or not..

If it is would it be possible to add an option to be able to change this behavior??

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