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Stacks Docklet

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OMG! i love this!

but i have a little problem

the "open in finder" icon doesn't appear, maybe is because my xp is in spanish and apps are in "archivos de programa" instead of "program files"


and i have just realized another little problem, the icon that appears in each folder in the stack is the default windows folder one, and i don't like it. i want to see my customized icons

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I tested Stack Docklet with Rocket Dock 1.3.1, and... it won't show the settings dialog. Even it won't display menu when right-clicking the stack dock icon.

I installed Rocket Dock 1.3.5 in that PC and now it works fine.


It displays text under the stack even here. It's something I have to solve, but I wanted to release Fan mode first :)


Let me see... I got it from one of these:



Oh... (blush). May I include your icon in future releases of Stack Docklet?

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Hi there -

the Fan effect really is great... and smooth! :D

Regarding the right-click menu problem with Rocket Dock 1.3.1 and AveDesk:

A solution could be (?!) to open the menu on left-click by default, if the parameter values are empty. So if you add the Stack to the dock and left-click it, the dialog will pop up on first run.

Not sure, if this is a good idea, but it could make it unnecessary to adjust it to every kind of dock (menu). So, if right-click works - fine, if not - at least you have a chance to show the menu once...

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Regarding the right-click menu problem with Rocket Dock 1.3.1 and AveDesk:

A solution could be (?!) to open the menu on left-click by default, if the parameter values are empty. So if you add the Stack to the dock and left-click it, the dialog will pop up on first run.

Not sure, if this is a good idea, but it could make it unnecessary to adjust it to every kind of dock (menu). So, if right-click works - fine, if not - at least you have a chance to show the menu once...

I have a better one: left-click but while holding the Control key (or similar if this fails also), so you will get the settings dialog either right clicking or -on docks where this doesn't work- by control+left clicking

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could you answer me? please

1. The "Open Folder" icon doesn't appear (though the text does)

2. Items in the stack doesn't appear with their icons, they appear with the default windows one.

3.And this one is just a matter of style. Te hablo en castellano más facil para mi. Cuando abro el "stack", las cosas salen de adelante del icono, cuando lo cierro se meten atrás del icono. Me entendés masomenos? Yo preferiría que salgan y entren por atrás. Y obviamente si se puede que se apilen todos los iconos como en Leopard.

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The fan is awesome!

I noticed that the zip-file icons are blurry in both, fan and grid mode (see attached image). This only appears in newer versions (downloaded one yesterday and didn't have that issue).

The video file icon isn't affected though. Tried also with word document icon and that's blurry, too. Great work anyway.

Greetings Fosssi.


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Icon size will be customizable, but I need to get other things working first.

"Open folder" label will be customizable too.


It appears I got it wrong and YzDock doesn't support Object Dock plugins :(

I have two options here: make a YzDock version of the plugin (so two versions: one ObjectDock and compatibles, other for YzDock), or make a special plugin which will make ANY ObjectDock plugin compatible with YzDock ;) but I need more info and don't really know if YzDock is or not compatible with... whatever, let me see...


My XP is SP 2 en español also and have no problems here :P

You mean by forcing Fan mode? Or in grid also? You should see an icon labeled "Open folder" as last / top item of the grid / fan.

The custom icons is because I'm using something rather strange to gather icon. Indeed I'm rewriting the icons code all time, stay tuned ;)

frangio sounds like Fangio?

I noticed this of icons hiding back the icon instead of front. I have to solve that, I don't know if it's possible but I'll try. No te entiendo eso de que se apilen como en el Leopard, ¿te referís al modo Fan? en tal caso fijate en los settings, Mode.


Pretty simple and... heavy.


Added alternative way to get to settings: Control + Left click on dock icon. Anyway, also try right-clicking now, I changed some bits and it *may* work now with right-click.


Thanks! (icons)

This is strange of loosing icon and directory, probably it's failing to store settings. Maybe a permissions problem in Vista? Check C:Program FilesRocketDockDockletsSettings.ini, the docklets save their settings there.


The custom icons is because I'm using something rather strange to gather icon. Indeed I'm rewriting the icons code all time, stay tuned ;)


The blurry icons is because I'm using something rather strange to gather icon. Indeed I'm rewriting the icons code all time, stay tuned ;)

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actually, frangio is because i am FRANcisco GIOrdano

a lo que me refiero es que en leopard, los iconos no "aparecen" de la nada, se ordenan porque ya estan todos en el ícono del dock. en este video se nota bien

You mean by forcing Fan mode? Or in grid also? You should see an icon labeled "Open folder" as last / top item of the grid / fan.

i guess you didn't understand me: the item appears, and it works well, the problem is on the icon. it doesn't appear, it's just the label without image. you got it now?


and I have just realized that I have to click on the right edge to open the folder, otherwise it doesn't open

I'm usin rocketdock

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Hi there :) -

this idea really is better.

For AveDesk (again... hope you're not developing an Avephobia ;) ) Ctrl+Left-Click is reserved, too: It's for closing or opening the default dialog... and it's still refusing the right-click :(

Are you using Delphi like with FlyingCow for your docklet, too? Just being noisy... :)

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I'm getting some avephobia now ;) I changed Control+Left click, now is Alt+Left click.


Really strange. Don't know what to test right now...


a lo que me refiero es que en leopard, los iconos no "aparecen" de la nada, se ordenan porque ya estan todos en el ícono del dock. en este video se nota bien

I see... I'm basing this in the Leopard tour video :) and didn't have those slow-motion screencasts at hand. I need to fix some animations.

I can't easily put all icons stacked in the dock itself, such thing would probably demand contacting myself with ObjectDock, RocketDock, RKLauncher, AveDesk authors to support such feature in future releases of their docks; or having to find a very dirty workaround (which I don't like to do because it make things really tricky).

I now see what you mean about the "Open folder" icon. Just download the new version and try, I added some code that may solve the problem.

and I have just realized that I have to click on the right edge to open the folder, otherwise it doesn't open

That's strange, even though the code for that is loosely written. ¿Querés decir que haciendo click en cualquier parte del icono, no abre?

I'm usin rocketdock
me too ;)
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