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VLC Quick Look skin

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Yes, it supports .png, and support 1 bit transparency (i.e. transparent/not transparent). It doesn't support pngs with alpha transparency :(

Ok, I drop it, I won't develop this skin anymore. Reasons:

I tried with VLC 0.8.6d and it just won't work. I choose my skin and it puts the default skin.

If I try to choose a skin with VLC 0.9.0 (any of the nightly builds I tried so far) it will crash (and it tries to start my Visual Studio .NET debugger, funny lol).

Here is the skin if anyone wants to give it a try:


Notes: based on alabanco skin for KMPlayer.

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Requires v0.9. But I cannot get it to run, just open it and no window opens with my "leopard" user.(some program may block it? (Finderbar, Macclock, Macsound, windowblinds, PKlauncher), but even if I close all, no9 difference.

In my second user (default look) it opens, but I cannot attach a theme.

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1. It requires version 0.9.0 and I can't get it to work with skins :(

2. The folder has the sources... you have two options:

a) When loading the skin, select .xml as skin type (instead of default .vlt, .wsz) and choose theme.xml inside the folder.

B) Put all files inside the folder (but not the folder itself) inside a .zip file, then rename it to .vlt extension.

The skin is unfinished because I have no way to test it.

I've come with another alternative: make fixed size versions of the skin. What do you think about it? I want to hear everyone's opinion about what sizes should be provided, also this way I would be able to make a 0.8.6 compatible skin version.

I would like to properly credit alabanco for doing the QuickLook skin for KMP, in whose artwork this skin is based on.

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