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bLend v - seamless transparency app

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Hi this thing is my first app

works perfect on my xpsp2 !

it renders transparency to any window

saves ur settings and has "start on system booting" options

Comments needed and also results from Vista

thanks beforehand

Is it Good ?

plz reply

Edit: uploaded a newer make of same version

fixed the "unsupported operation" bug ,size has increased but u dont need the dll anymore

now compatible with windows 2000 and vista because transparency renderring logic has been tweaked

is more faster and has greater stability

I seriously recommend u to redownload if u liked it before

edit: can anybody post screenshots after applying transparency ,I may like to have some ideas

for myself from them here is my xpsp2 screen in the jpg



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its pleasure to be of service

Markoz : well this app makes the whole window transparent

and since I am still relatively new to window programming

maybe i dont know how to make the "titlebar only" transparent

( i am taking for granted that you have already used "True transparency"

or "Windowblinds" ) thanks anyway i will try

alpha2zulu : since u are on vista u may delete the dll and try to run the app only

i ported the dll from xp may be thats because u get that "unsupported operation"

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Hi devrexster

nice app! so far i don't have any trouble using the application (XP SP2) and no problem to get my taskbar transparent.

but however when i apply it to any windows, another program stops working which is the Winexpose by Matias.

i love these two programs so is it possible for both of them to work together? or is it that i am doing something wrong?

thanks for a great and STABLE (so far hehe) application!

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Hi devrexster

nice app! so far i don't have any trouble using the application (XP SP2) and no problem to get my taskbar transparent.

but however when i apply it to any windows, another program stops working which is the Winexpose by Matias.

i love these two programs so is it possible for both of them to work together? or is it that i am doing something wrong?

thanks for a great and STABLE (so far hehe) application!

Kith: in the appearance tab of WinExpose settings u need to turn off any transparency( read move all

sliders to the extreme right ) . try this !

but i may tell u its more of a problem in winexpose than bLend

I personally use "topdesk" for tiling or flipping between open windows

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It makes all windows transparent.

This is a resources killer (I mean assassin, not cool) on older computers (however it runs smooth in my computer).

This can be used as an approach to emulate window composition (DWM) in Windows XP ;)

Just load this (devrexster's blender) app first, then just do:

GetWindowRect (hwnd, rect);

hdc = GetWindowDC (hwnd);

BitBlt (dest_dc, 0, 0, rect.right-rect.left, rect.bottom-rect.top, hdc, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);

ReleaseDC (hwnd, hdc);

Don't remember if it is SRCCOPY | CAPTUREBLT or just SRCCOPY.

Then use the result in dest_dc (some memory dc), it's a screenshot of the window, but faster than and without PrintWindow( ) ;)

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It makes all windows transparent.

This is a resources killer (I mean assassin, not cool) on older computers (however it runs smooth in my computer).

This can be used as an approach to emulate window composition (DWM) in Windows XP ;)

Just load this (devrexster's blender) app first, then just do:

GetWindowRect (hwnd, rect);

hdc = GetWindowDC (hwnd);

BitBlt (dest_dc, 0, 0, rect.right-rect.left, rect.bottom-rect.top, hdc, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);

ReleaseDC (hwnd, hdc);

Don't remember if it is SRCCOPY | CAPTUREBLT or just SRCCOPY.

Then use the result in dest_dc (some memory dc), it's a screenshot of the window, but faster than and without PrintWindow( ) ;)

Sorry, but I do not understand a word of that.

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What I mean, is:

When you have Vista with Aero enabled, as a programmer then you have access to a technology called DWM.

This DWM thingy allows you to get a "screenshot" of any window, but not only when visible, but also if hidden, or behind another window, it doesn't matter because DWM will allow you to get a screenshot of it anyway. Ok, technically it's called a "window preview" or something like that.

In Windows XP this cannot be acomplished that way, but a function can be used called PrintWindow( ). This is not as good as making a preview with DWM, because Styler toolbar, window shadows, transparencies, Java and GTK (Pidgin, etc...) windows won't be screenshoted correctly. Also it is a heck of slow and hangs up if the application being screenshotted is frozen :(

However I tested using a technique similar to bLend but making windows *almost* non-transparent (so they would look solid). Then used some functionality (which wouldn't work otherwise) to screenshot the apps in a way it would allow for something like DWM in Windows XP. But it is very resource consuming :( but it works :)

This of course doesn't give glassy borders, window previews, etc... out of the box, however you can emulate those and have something like Aero but in Windows XP.

I always wanted to write this but had no time, so just pasted the necesary code to screenshot a window, in a post above :)

Maybe I should post a VB.NET version of it to make things easier to other developers. But I'm gonna sleep right now :(

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it works ... but then menus and tooltips appear in the background and not on top of windows

so ... its not really "usable" for me


windows xp sp3

Hi surikanta (by any chance are u from south asian country)

u may suspend and resume to see if ur stated problem goes away

its a new problem i am hearing of basically and cannot figure out why

also if this doesnt solve then u might reload the app

i may recommend that do not "set all windows to transparent" but better u may build up the list

if u like to that is and have "BaseBar" and "#32768" or "#32770" windowclasses

as disabled

if u like the app u may try all these

whatever , please post the results cause its a new prob i am hearing of

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heheh ... not really, I'm european, I just have an strange nick :)

in vmware it works well in a virtual "fundamentals for legacy pcs" but not on a virtual XP sp2, menus and tooltips still appear on the back of the windows.

suspend and resume doesn't change anything

I usually turn on transp only for selected windows, almost opaque.

I tried on directory opus windows, windows messenger, firefox, etc




menu behind window


I tried to have "BaseBar" and "#32768" or "#32770" windowclasses

as disabled and actually on messenger the menus appear on front (only the menus),

but on directory opus it all stays on the back ... as in firefox

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hi mate, cool app, but would be great if it can made the transparency to the windows bar similar to the leopard bar!! ;)

hi jaimeand,

thats quite easily solved

rightclick on system tray icon of bLend, select "preferences"

now in the window that comes up click on the "+" button

in the next window that comes up select "Window class name" in "Path/Filter option"

now click and hold on the blue icon "(o)" at the bottom-left corner of this window

a cursor will come up which u need to drag onto ur windowsbar and hold until a windowclass name

something like "Shell_traywnd" comes up in the textbox

now set desired level of transparency and click "Accept"

u are done (although i believe u didnt need so detailed instructions :)

What u need to understand is u can set transparency to ANYTHING with bLend not just windows in particular !

(until and unless u mess all up and that is not possible as u cannot turn the bLend window itself transparent so basicallly u can undo whatever u messed up :))

Oh yes and post what happened ofcourse (maybe just post to say it worked) and what new features u would like to see

And one more thing ... hehe... u joined sep 2006 and only 2 posts ??

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