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Searchbar desklet

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Hello, I am desperatly searching for SearchBar desklet for avedesk, I have found it, but the link is dead. Does someone knows how to get it?

thnx :)

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  • 1 month later...

^^ it is possible, i think. you can have as many systrays in objectbar, but they are essentially one and the same since they are just hooking-up to the original windows systray. I think that if you hide an icon in one systray, that same icon is also hidden in the other systrays.

so you can choose to do what you described, but you won't have access to other systray icons. that also means that you will have that search app included in windows startup...

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ok, yehh i just tried it and didnt work. oh well i just thought it would be kool to have an instant search in XP but i guess i need vista for that...

you can still use it though, why deprive yourself lol!.

i myself can not make MacSearch_trigger work consistently when placed in Objectbar. ended up putting a shortcut in the dock instead, (sigh)...

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you can still use it though, why deprive yourself lol!.

i myself can not make MacSearch_trigger work consistently when placed in Objectbar. ended up putting a shortcut in the dock instead, (sigh)...

so by doing this, when i click the MacSearch_trigger.exe on the dock, it will popup on my toolbar?

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^^No. What i meant was that i creeated a shortcut in the dock pointing to Macsearch.exe, NOT mac _trigger. Clicking on the dock icon essentially starts up MacSearch. you'll notice a spotlight icon on your systray. left-click on systray icon opens up the search bar. right-click opens up config options.

the _trigger thingie is supposed to be the application your shortcut points to (in objectbar) for opening the searchbar, instead of going to the systray and clicking the spotlight icon.

you can try this yourself, maybe it will work for you...

create a shortcut on the bar itself. point it to mac_triggger. then go to macsearch folder and click/open up macsearch.exe (the app should now be running in background- see your systray for the spotlight icon). then click on the shortcut/bar icon you just created. the searchbart should slide out!

if it does, good for you.

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^^No. What i meant was that i creeated a shortcut in the dock pointing to Macsearch.exe, NOT mac _trigger. Clicking on the dock icon essentially starts up MacSearch. you'll notice a spotlight icon on your systray. left-click on systray icon opens up the search bar. right-click opens up config options.

the _trigger thingie is supposed to be the application your shortcut points to (in objectbar) for opening the searchbar, instead of going to the systray and clicking the spotlight icon.

you can try this yourself, maybe it will work for you...

create a shortcut on the bar itself. point it to mac_triggger. then go to macsearch folder and click/open up macsearch.exe (the app should now be running in background- see your systray for the spotlight icon). then click on the shortcut/bar icon you just created. the searchbart should slide out!

if it does, good for you.

yehh i did it, i linked my spotlight icon to the trigger.cmd and now it works fine except a little command prompt window pops up every time i click it but i guess i will just have to live with that :)

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