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Does it have to slow my boot down?


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Just a quick question.

Last time I installed flyakite (beautiful btw) it made my boot time intolerably slow, what is it doing when windows starts to slow things down so much? I really want to reinstall it on my new fresh install, but I can't stand waiting around for a few minutes until my system is usable. I know it has to load a couple of 3rd party apps (object dock being the most demanding I imagine), but I still don't see why it should take so long, I have had object dock installed separately before and it was fine.

Is there anything I can do to keep the boot process speedy and have my cake?

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I haven't tried that, I will look into it. Am I right in thinking that Flyakite alters windows system files upon every boot? I can't remember where I heard that, but it would explain it. If it's true, can Flyakite (or the most critical components) be installed without anything being altered upon boot?

If not, does anyone have any links with instructions on manually setting up an OSX theme that is as convincing as Flyakite?


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No, Flyakite alters the files permanently, not at every boot.

i know that mate, but if i remember correctly, there is supposed to be an option to automate restoration of FAK system files every boot (sort of a windows file protection), inserted to the startup process during FAK installation.

What i meant for him to do was to disable that command, since he can do FAK restore/updates manually...

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