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On a scale of 1-10.......


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hmm not bad... id say 5 too...

But yea... If you want a 10 it needs improvement....

Some tips to begin:

- Turn on ClearType just like Bebi_Bulma said...

- Change fonts to MACGrande, LucidaMacBold... something like that...

- I suppose you are using Styler so turn on the shadows and Hide Menu Bar of Explorer...

- I really dont like LeftSider, so you should try WB or TrueTransparency...

This will make it a way better already...

If you need some reference take a look at my desk...


If you need any help to change something just ask...

And keep it up.. you're doing a nice work...


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I'd say around 5, you can still improve by getting windowblinds, objectbar and a few other programs as well as some mac font and findexer for the sidebar ;)

I tried Windowblinds and I liked it but the taskbar Apple icon was blue and not grey like Leopard. And object bar does not let you use themes other than the preloaded ones.

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There are 2 ways to do that MacMan...

* Windows Way

Go to Display Options/Appearence/Effects and choose "ClearType" in the second box..

* Styler Way

Open Styler, go to Desktop Tab and activate "Clear Type" and configurate contrast however you like... also set Shadows on by simply set "Drop Shadow" on...

Thats it..

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I'll give you a 1 - 2. Here's why:

-Safari hacks? GTFO. Use Firefox with the Foxdie skin.

-Fonts? Lulz. Use LucidaMacBold at 9px for just about everything.

-The Objectbar font... fail. Use OBFont (can be found on dA).

-Objectbar needs some shadow.

-Never again save your shot at that quality.

-Install findeXer.

-You need a definitely need a better skin. Try Blitzr's Leopard Final skin (can be found on dA).

-Your dock got you a 1 - 2.

-Your windows need drop shadows. Try Styler. Google it.

-Lose the black arrow shortcut overlay. Apply a blank icon for it.


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I'll give you a 1 - 2. Here's why:

-Safari hacks? GTFO. Use Firefox with the Foxdie skin.

-Fonts? Lulz. Use LucidaMacBold at 9px for just about everything.

-The Objectbar font... fail. Use OBFont (can be found on dA).

-Objectbar needs some shadow.

-Never again save your shot at that quality.

-Install findeXer.

-You need a definitely need a better skin. Try Blitzr's Leopard Final skin (can be found on dA).

-Your dock got you a 1 - 2.

-Your windows need drop shadows. Try Styler. Google it.

-Lose the black arrow shortcut overlay. Apply a blank icon for it.


Thanks for the feedback.

I installed findeXer it looks great.

Where can i get the Lucida ac fonts?

It's not object bar it's FinderBar

That was the first time I ever took a screen shot, so get off my back!

Is the Blitzr skin a WB skin? If so I can't do it. My computer won't accept it for some reason.

I have the Styler Toolbar

I thought i'd get better than a 1 or 2.....

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Let me give you a hand..

*Windows VS:

Use this one:

Leopard X -> http://kspudw.deviantart.com/art/Leopard-X-76664828

For me it is the better...


Take a look at Attachments, thats all you need...

After you download do the following:

Configure Finderbar to use MACGrande font at 11px

Open Styler go to /Style/font and configure it to use

- Aquabase at 10px to Caption

- AquaBase or LucidaMacBold at 9px to the others...

- Also disable "Shadow", "Bold" and "Italic"....


Like i said before...

Explore Styler options and find for it...

Is pretty simple.. you just have to activate it and its done..

Look out for"Hide Explorer Menu" option as well...

* Clock:

tClock. Google it, Download it and configure it to use MACGrande at 11px...

It will make you bar look a way better


Thats all for now...

Do it and send a updated screen so that we can tell you what else you should do...



Take a look at this to see how properly configure FindeXer -> http://www.markraats.com/FinderXer_Tutorial.htm

And here for more real good Leopard Like Skins -> http://www.markraats.com/Apple_Emulation_Themes.htm





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To open Styler Preferences Windows double click the tray icon just like BapeStar said...

To change Finderbar fonts open Finderbar.ini (its inside Finderbar main folder) with notepad and look for [Window] part, than edit it to look like this, save it and Restart Finderbar.












Thats it...


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