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No more calculator

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Very nice job. It seems to work well.

I have two poblems:

After install, I can start windows calculator any more, I have a SHELL32dll error.

Some times I have a transparent window on the desktop, wich is visible only by the shadow around it.

As if a window had shut but let his shadow. Noway to cancel it, I have to reboot.

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After install, I can start windows calculator any more, I have a SHELL32dll error.

This error comes because of unsually heavy filesize of Shell32.dll due to extra icons and graphics injected by flyakite. Microsoft recently changed something for checking file integrity in one of the windows updates. Uninstall and Reinstall Flyakite, BUT select 48px icon size instead of 128px icons size in options while installing.

Some times I have a transparent window on the desktop, wich is visible only by the shadow around it.

Are you using Y'z Shadow??

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Well, I'm not sure if there is fix or workaround on this (Y'z Shadow)... but this issue has been mentioned by many users with Flyakite and Y'z Shadow. I'm not using Y'z Shadow.. so I doubt I'll be able to help you here.

I hope your first issue is solved though. :)

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