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DesktopX 3.5

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DesktopX 3.5 has been released!

DesktopX is a program that lets users extend their Windows desktop to support true objects (as opposed to just icons). These objects can be cosmetic in nature or using a plugin or some scripting a user can make a desktop object do virtually anything. These objects can then be combined together to make widgets or used to build an entirely new desktop.

DesktopX 3.5 isn't just a Vista update, however. It allows users to export their creations as Windows sidebar gadgets! This is significant because by default, Sidebar gadgets tend to be limited in functionality. DesktopX objects, however, have no limitations, a user can make plugins in C++ or virtually any other language allowing Sidebar gadgets to be incredibly powerful.

Download: DesktopX 3.5

Visit: www.desktopx.net

Screenshots: Desktops & Objects


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