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CheckMail Docklet for ObjectDock


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4: Try to implement this feature and see where it takes us thats why I thought of this: when u clik on the docklet once it would open the dafault app i was talking about in my earlier post. When the circle appears add the feature to click on it and display the mail accounts in a menu and click on of them to just check that one not all of them. And/or the contextmenu would also be useful beacuse once u click the Mails nickname it would also just open that one.

Outlook works that way you can check any one particular account or all accounts.There is javascript code that can access gMail and get the total unread count but I did not mention it earlier because I thought you would rather code everything to work one way(pop3). I use this code in Yahoo Widgets, it does not use ssl if you are interested in that code just let me know and I will send it to you. And of course gMail also has free IMAP support.

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It never hurt to learn something... besides... you have been really helpful here, at least I could take a look at the code and evaluate if it is possible to integrate an "alternate" method to check on a gmail account.

Outlook works that way you can check any one particular account or all accounts.There is javascript code that can access gMail and get the total unread count but I did not mention it earlier because I thought you would rather code everything to work one way(pop3). I use this code in Yahoo Widgets, it does not use ssl if you are interested in that code just let me know and I will send it to you. And of course gMail also has free IMAP support.
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I did not get the last part... "try to make the docklet react to the docks effects like bounce or its indicator for the app the docklet uses to check for mail like say Windows Live Mail or even Thunderbird" what did you mean?

Let me translate, i think i know what you mean cuz i was going to ask the same thing.

SPANISH: Es posible que el icono del docklet tenga el indicador que tienen los iconos normales cuando esta corriendo el progama elegido?

Cuando le das click al docklet para correrel programa, el icono no hace el efecto como los demas iconos, podrias implementar esto tambien?

mira el screenshot. el icono de la izquierda es el del docklet, y el otro es el del programa normal que esta corriendo.


I am usin RK launcher too and it works perfect, just for a little thing: After the animation, the icon shows in a weird form. The little red icon and the number of emails shows perfectly, but the icon is somehow resized and doesnt look nice. (see screenshot)

Thanks for the docklet, was the only thing missing on RK launcher :)


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Let me translate, i think i know what you mean cuz i was going to ask the same thing.

SPANISH: Es posible que el icono del docklet tenga el indicador que tienen los iconos normales cuando esta corriendo el progama elegido?

Cuando le das click al docklet para correrel programa, el icono no hace el efecto como los demas iconos, podrias implementar esto tambien?

mira el screenshot. el icono de la izquierda es el del docklet, y el otro es el del programa normal que esta corriendo.


I am usin RK launcher too and it works perfect, just for a little thing: After the animation, the icon shows in a weird form. The little red icon and the number of emails shows perfectly, but the icon is somehow resized and doesnt look nice. (see screenshot)

Thanks for the docklet, was the only thing missing on RK launcher :)

Dude thnx man for giving a rundown of one if my request

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Dude thnx man for giving a rundown of one if my request

So, if I got you both right, what you meant is that when you click on the docklet you want it to "bounce" or whatever "DockletAnimation" was configured for the docklet... is that it?

I did not notice anithing because I have configured my docks (all RocketDock, OD+ & RKLauncher) not to bounce or anything... but if that is what you want, no problem... let me update the docklet.

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and what about the app indicator (while the selected app is opened)? please? :)

Yeah that feature is a must and thnx for backing up my statement Churchpunk. And fedroponce, I have said it earlier but maybe u missed it. To add complete compability with all email types, add the ability to moniter not only pop3 but also Http (MSN/Live) & Imap (yahoo) with this it shall be able to see all the emails not only some like gmail.

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I would, but I have no idea on how those protocols works. If you have any information on the inner workings of those two systems... like their RFC (If they exist) I would gladdly look into them and consider incorporating those protocols... right now I'm full of work and I just do not have the time to research.

Yeah that feature is a must and thnx for backing up my statement Churchpunk. And fedroponce, I have said it earlier but maybe u missed it. To add complete compability with all email types, add the ability to moniter not only pop3 but also Http (MSN/Live) & Imap (yahoo) with this it shall be able to see all the emails not only some like gmail.
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I did not really got that... if you want to change the icons to your prefered mail app, you will need to create an icon set derived from the application icon and then configure it with the Icons Configuration dialog. Three icons should be created One for the normal background, one for the "mail available" overlay (which the docklet combines with the background) and an animated icon made from 14 different icons which the docklet animates. That´s the trickiest part, to create an animated icon...

For this docklet schmrom kindly contributed them... we would need to get help from the skinners out there since I simply do not have any CG skills.

and what about the app indicator (while the selected app is opened)? please? :)
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I am currently using Judge's Gmail notifier for SysStats with my RocketDock configuration. However I have always felt that this is a little excessive just for an email notifier (SysStats adds approximately 12mb to RocketDock's memory footprint when run, so was delighted to have found what I expected to be a more lightweight alternative.

Unfortunately, after a little testing, I concluded that my office PC is unable to connect to external POP servers. At this point I realised that Judge's Gmail notifier actually uses an HTTP system to check for new mail.

May I therefore request that a similar system be added to your docklet in a future release? Perhaps you would also be willing to add 'Chose your email provider' presets for popular services, allowing users to simply select their provider and enter the necessary username/password.

Thank you for your hard work on the various docklets - I'm glad to find that someone is still developing these useful add-ons.




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I don't know much about email protocols that much either, I'll ask various DA freinds I have about them. And wat churchpunk is saying about an idicator is this: say if u have IE open and it's on ur dock an indicator will be below or on the side of the IE icon ok ur dock. So when one of the apps configured in the docklet is opened by it an indicator should be there to show that the app is opened

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I did not really got that... if you want to change the icons to your prefered mail app, you will need to create an icon set derived from the application icon and then configure it with the Icons Configuration dialog. Three icons should be created One for the normal background, one for the "mail available" overlay (which the docklet combines with the background) and an animated icon made from 14 different icons which the docklet animates. That´s the trickiest part, to create an animated icon...

For this docklet schmrom kindly contributed them... we would need to get help from the skinners out there since I simply do not have any CG skills.

SPANISH: no no, me entendiste mal.

Mira, cuando configuras el docklet hay una opcion para seleccionar un programa "Program to run:". Lo que estamos pidiendo es que cuando este programa elegido este abierto (outlook, windows mail, thunderbird etc.) salga el indicador del dock (una flechita o un punto blanco depende de que tema tenga el dock).

En Rklauncher tienes la opcion de [settings>Appereance>Hide Indicators]. Son estos indicadores los que queremos ver debajo del docklet cuando Thunderbird o Outlook este abierto (como con los demas iconos de otros programas).

Mira el attachment, firefox y winamp tienen indicador porque estan abiertos; pidgin y el dockelt no, pidgin porque no esta abierto, pero el docklet no lo tiene aunque el programa que elegi sí esta abierto (es el que tiene el indicador, a la derecha del docklet)


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Ok, I got it right now, I see what you meant.

Although this is interesting, this is a RKLauncher only feature... OD/OD+ & Rocket Dock does not support such a feature (at least not that I am aware of). Since I have been targetting my docklet to OD/OD+ mainly (since they have published a publlic SDK for C++) and I do not have any readily information on the RKLauncher native SDK, I even created a post in the RKLauncher forum asking for help on porting my docklet to RK (I have been reported by several users about certain incompatibilities of my docklets under RK), but so long I do not have any specifics on RK... so I am afraid I would not be able to comply with this until I get more feedback on porting Docklets to RKLauncher... sorry.

SPANISH: no no, me entendiste mal.

Mira, cuando configuras el docklet hay una opcion para seleccionar un programa "Program to run:". Lo que estamos pidiendo es que cuando este programa elegido este abierto (outlook, windows mail, thunderbird etc.) salga el indicador del dock (una flechita o un punto blanco depende de que tema tenga el dock).

En Rklauncher tienes la opcion de [settings>Appereance>Hide Indicators]. Son estos indicadores los que queremos ver debajo del docklet cuando Thunderbird o Outlook este abierto (como con los demas iconos de otros programas).

Mira el attachment, firefox y winamp tienen indicador porque estan abiertos; pidgin y el dockelt no, pidgin porque no esta abierto, pero el docklet no lo tiene aunque el programa que elegi sí esta abierto (es el que tiene el indicador, a la derecha del docklet)

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Ok, I got it right now, I see what you meant.

Although this is interesting, this is a RKLauncher only feature... OD/OD+ & Rocket Dock does not support such a feature (at least not that I am aware of). Since I have been targetting my docklet to OD/OD+ mainly (since they have published a publlic SDK for C++) and I do not have any readily information on the RKLauncher native SDK, I even created a post in the RKLauncher forum asking for help on porting my docklet to RK (I have been reported by several users about certain incompatibilities of my docklets under RK), but so long I do not have any specifics on RK... so I am afraid I would not be able to comply with this until I get more feedback on porting Docklets to RKLauncher... sorry.

um in OD and rocketdock there's support for indicator so it can be implemented onto them.

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Is this what you wanted on the context menu?

Right now I am implementig this context menu when you rigth click on the red count area, the docklet will show the accounts configured with the last result.

On the first image, the accounts are all active despite if mail was found, on the second, the menu items for account that did not found any mail are disabled. How do you prefer it?

Selecting an active item will launch the mail app (tomorrow I will start implementing an application per account).

Download the latest release to test it out.



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