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Help me make my HD Wallpaper site better


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Hi guys this is Ken from http://www.zixpk.com/. I have been running this wallpaper website for a short time and I can't believe what it has evolved to. We now get close to 1,000 unique visitors daily who download a large amount of HD wallpapers.

I have written this post with the intention of getting some feed back on how to make http://www.zixpk.com/ better. If anyone has any suggestions please comment, as I am willing to hear your opinions.

Thank you in advance, with high regards.

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looks good. and i'm sure that for most of the population, the site is fine. let me tell you what i, personally, hate. and it's not just your site but every site that does this...

if a site has a dark background with light text, i leave immediately. while such sites are aesthetically pleasing, i can't read them. it burns a negative impression onto my retina that stays for several minutes. probably just old age. anyways...

for as brief a look i had at your site, it looks good.

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Thanks for your feedback:)

I will be sure to take this into consideration the next time I design my new website template. I can see how it could be troublesome for some to look at because of the colors.


Thanks for your comments guys, please keep them coming!

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Looks really good.

Just a couple of really minor points..

- When I select from your Categories list, the text for the item I selected turns black so I can't see that I selected it. Also the number of entries for each category is in black, so I can't read that unless I highlight it. (I'm browsing with Chrome).

- and...well. There is no and. I was about to type something then noticed I was wrong! lol

Anyway...great site and nice content.

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Looks really good.

Just a couple of really minor points..

- When I select from your Categories list, the text for the item I selected turns black so I can't see that I selected it. Also the number of entries for each category is in black, so I can't read that unless I highlight it. (I'm browsing with Chrome).

- and...well. There is no and. I was about to type something then noticed I was wrong! lol

Anyway...great site and nice content.

@loops: Thanks for your comment.

There is a logical explanation as to why the categories list turns black after you have selected it. It turns black to tell you that it is what you have chosen, and it also tells you what categories you are currently in if you look towards the top middle of the page in the gray rectangle. The second thing is that we mean to not show how many posts are in each categories, this way the reader will be encouraged to click more:) And yeah sorry about there being no spell check in our search-bar, thank you for pointing out this problem:)

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