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AveFontBook Leopard


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Alright, I finished downloading it, I'll make a quick restore point, test it and see how it works and feels. One thing is is it a self-installer EXE or do I have to manually move it somewhere. ANd if a normal installation EXE does it get rid of ALL the needless things such as unneeded Regkeys and irrevallent files?


EDIT: Tried it, it works but Things I noticed, I Don't understand why certain fonts have disabled text color and say off? Explain this please and the third mini button on the bottom what does that do? I pressed it nothing happens? And maybe you didn't know cause you don't have Vista, but when minimized it does this [attached image]. It doesn't make a thumbnail image and the button on the top left what does that do also. Well thnx for this great app.


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First I must say that Andreas Verhoeven wrote this app and I just changed the exe a bit.

The top left button opens the dustbin, that is from the original AveFontBook.

The third button on the bottom should enable and disable fonts in the Fontbook just like in OSX, but I don´t thing it has effects on your windows.

As for the disabled fonts, my fonts heer in XP are all enabled, but as I said, I don´t think it has an effect on your windows.

The thumbnail isn´t there I suppose because this isn´t a "window" in a classic sense. Also it won´t appear on Expose clones, like some other apps, too, like Rainlendar for example.

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First I must say that Andreas Verhoeven wrote this app and I just changed the exe a bit.

The top left button opens the dustbin, that is from the original AveFontBook.

The third button on the bottom should enable and disable fonts in the Fontbook just like in OSX, but I don´t thing it has effects on your windows.

As for the disabled fonts, my fonts heer in XP are all enabled, but as I said, I don´t think it has an effect on your windows.

The thumbnail isn´t there I suppose because this isn´t a "window" in a classic sense. Also it won´t appear on Expose clones, like some other apps, too, like Rainlendar for example.

hmm well so far its great but IDK maybe cause Im kinda of a Techperfectionist, but if those features can be added like thee Thumbnail and smoother minimizing that'll be great. Oh and I found one bug, hwen u choose to resize the window it doesnt stop, lets say I want to make it longer I go to the side and expand it, the thing is the App still thinks Im dfoing it even if my Curosr is anywhere else but that window.

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