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Xwd - The Off-topic Thread


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When there's multiple wlm conversation opened, reducing one in the dock make them all dissapear

I don't think it's a bug, in fact it's just that the conversation windows are set as "Tool window", so when one is minimized, all of them are. Same as if you minimize firefox with the download manager opened, then the download manager minimize too.

By Panta: moved along with the previous post.

Edited by Panta
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  • 2 weeks later...
Well, bad. But still great, I'm in the middle of choosing wich one to use - XWD or StarDock. I really miss those transparent icons in Stardock.

Well, I used to use objectdock, now xwindows dock is my primary dock for windows 7. I love it to bits and would surely pay for the product if only to keep development going...

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Hey guys, do you think the project's dead? Cos if it is I'm not sure there's any reason to use the app. Bobah says he has no time to support XWD any longer. So do you think it's worth trying? There were a lot of bugs I noticed for these two days I'm using it. Corruption of the wallpaper under the task bar when it goes off the screen(reserve scrn area is on). Then try to right-click -> edit an icon in a stack and the edit window is unreachable because it's under the icon's window. You can not get to the edit window, the edit window doesn't allow to close the icon window and the icon window freezes the main one. And yet there is still not enough functionality. So the question is up - is it worth trying, what do you think guys?

Edited by Apach
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  • 1 month later...

Ok so I've been "away from the internet" for some time, and I was just wondering if the status on XWD's development had been updated/clarified? Last I heard BOBAH had left a somewhat cryptic message that he was running out of time, but it wasn't clear if it was abandoned or on hold... anyone??

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  • 2 weeks later...

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