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Xwd Forum Complimentary Rules & Guidelines - Read Before Posting!


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Hi folks!

As you can see the new sub-forum's being re-organized, with new threads, splitting of older ones, and mainly a gradual moving and cleansing of some sort of messages, depending on the case. For now on, let's try posting at the right threads.

As with anything that intends to be - and remain - organized, some rules are necessary. Here they are:

. postings praising the amazing work of bobah should be posted at Sycophants and Toadies Temple thread as that's the right place for that;

. bugs - and only bugs - should be posted at Bug Report Center thread;

. help requests should be posted only at Help Center;

. requests for new features should be posted only at Feature Requests;

. a new, less restrictive thread called Yeeeeha! Sub-Forum! - The Off-topic Thread has been created - thanks atreiu! - were you can post your thoughts, discuss and introduce new facts, all XWindows Dock-related of course! It's an experimental thread that aims reducing the 'noise' at the more technical threads;

Please note that Release threads are just this: Release threads. They are meant to ease all user's lives at finding, as quickly as possible, all available goodies for the best user experience at using XWindows Dock; so, if you have any good addition (docklets, skins, language files, support programs and/or files), feel free to publish it at the appropriate thread but, from now on, no comments/requests/reports/thanks/... at those threads will be allowed. They'll be either moved or deleted at our discretion! If you insist in posting at them you'll be immediately adverted and/or reported to the higher administration!!

Last but not least, search/read before asking! Most of the time you'll find your questions/doubts already answered.

We sincerely hope you understand the need of these guidelines and abide to them, as we need to receive your support for keeping things running smoothly and for the benefit of the whole community of XWindows Dock users.



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