koalacarlo79 Posted February 2, 2009 Report Share Posted February 2, 2009 The bug for the "on top when mouse over" still remain!!!When a window (not maximized) cover completely the dock, it can't be showed (until i press a mouse button)... as in 5.4 release!No one have the same problem? Link to comment
Church Punk Posted February 2, 2009 Report Share Posted February 2, 2009 yes, is the same problem we all agree (all like 4-5 ppl ive seen), just not much with this explanation ^^Now that i think about it, maybe it is a Vista problem and you XP guys dont have it? Link to comment
DaanLT Posted February 2, 2009 Report Share Posted February 2, 2009 5.4, 5.6 same bug, xwd reacting and stealing focus even if theres window over it or in full screen [so we returning to desktop again] on mouse over, very annoying bug. xp sp3, ati. Link to comment
Kristof_clg Posted February 2, 2009 Report Share Posted February 2, 2009 I have "My Documents" as a stack in the dock, it shows the contents of the folder "my docs" but it doesn't show the special folders "my music" and "my pictures" that are in fact inside "my docs"... Link to comment
atreiu Posted February 4, 2009 Report Share Posted February 4, 2009 Docklet API-Bug function X_OnMouseLeave(Index: Integer): Boolean; doesn't work correctly. It is only triggered, when the Mouse leaves the Docklet AND it enters another Icon. If i move to Mouse from the Docklet, but don't touch another Icon, the function is not triggered. Edit: You can test the Bug with the new XAnimation - update. Set in the options "Animation on Mouse Over" and "Loop". The Looping is stopped, when X_OnMouseLeave(); is triggered. But this isn't always the case, see screenshot. Link to comment
moments Posted February 5, 2009 Report Share Posted February 5, 2009 At startup I have this error message, I click ok and after that Xwindows Dock can resume normally.I did a clean install.Edit: I delete the file DockItems.xml and restart over , the problem is solved. This file probably get corrupted.i got the same problem, both on my PC and my laptop.and when i open two or more widows of IE, when i minimize one of the widows, the other IE windows follow (minimized into the dock). don't know why. Link to comment
firecracker6 Posted February 5, 2009 Report Share Posted February 5, 2009 i got the same problem, both on my PC and my laptop.and when i open two or more widows of IE, when i minimize one of the widows, the other IE windows follow (minimized into the dock). don't know why.Same thing with Firefox, all windows related to firefox, minimize as 1 window using 1 animation.This is rather unintuitive, however, it's far better than experiencing instability with the dock. Link to comment
technosinner Posted February 5, 2009 Report Share Posted February 5, 2009 First of all xwd doesn't play nicely with multiscreen setup... i have dual screen setup and as you know one of the screens is set as primary and the second as ....well.... secondary.... some programs i use open in the secondary screen by default because they remember the way i used them last time... HOWEVER when xwd is running, these programs suddenly don't remember the last position anymore ....and that is annoying because ihave to manually move the window to the other screen every time i use the program...I run on XP 32bit and dual display as well, and I have similar problems. I haven't noticed the exact same bug as kurmiic (my setup is probably different) but I did notice that the windows from XWD (like the config window) will try to appear in the middle of the display span. The problem is It shows up on the wrong side and it's half out of the way. REALLY not a big deal AT ALL because once you drag it completely on the screen it works normally. Just an FYI.The other strange behavior is the My Computer docklet/icon is always "active" for some reason. I'm thinking it's watching the "explorer.exe" process...?Anywhoo, been playing with it and I haven't had any of the other bugs mentioned here to date, so it's going pretty good on my end! Link to comment
Quokka Posted February 5, 2009 Report Share Posted February 5, 2009 For some odd reason my dock looks strange, (new icons, new stacks, double icons, and stuff like that) every time it starts it looks diffrent (icons again)Running on Windows vista 64bit, tested this with "run normal" & "run as admin"Anynone know what to do? Link to comment
firecracker6 Posted February 6, 2009 Report Share Posted February 6, 2009 For some odd reason my dock looks strange, (new icons, new stacks, double icons, and stuff like that) every time it starts it looks diffrent (icons again) Running on Windows vista 64bit, tested this with "run normal" & "run as admin" Anynone know what to do? I have a similar issue using Windows7. I think it has to do with the program's ability to access and write back to it's settings xml file(s.) With Windows7, I install XWD (with right click "as administrator") Then, if I launch the program either by: Launching the program without administrator rights (simply double clicking the icon) Launching the program as administrator both give the dock different issues: one way results in 'your' problem which is duplicate entries in the dock (double separators, 2 recycle bins, redundant stacks, etc.) and when you delete them to try to set the dock back correctly, the duplicate dock items return upon next reboot. the other way results in a dock that saves your dock items properly, however you cannot drag and drop items onto the dock. (I end up just manually building the dock by right-clicking-add, etc.) If anyone can provide any tips in running the dock (v5.6) successfully, please share Link to comment
technosinner Posted February 6, 2009 Report Share Posted February 6, 2009 Yes, I find this a problem too. The icons are stretched vertically in 5.6 in stacksI had the same bug after all... but in the width. However I realized the icon I was trying to use was actually rectangular instead of a perfect squre. I changed it and all good! So maybe check your icons...?(I'm talking png files of course...) Link to comment
Quokka Posted February 6, 2009 Report Share Posted February 6, 2009 I had the same bug after all... but in the width. However I realized the icon I was trying to use was actually rectangular instead of a perfect squre. I changed it and all good! So maybe check your icons...?(I'm talking png files of course...)The Icon's are fine, I have xd in autostart and, ever restart it looks different. example:Setup: "Computer, System-stack, -sep.- Firefox, Thunderbird, dingsby, -sep- gamestack, trash"Reboot: "Computer, System-stack, trash, -sep.- -sep.- Firefox, Thunderbird, dingsby, -sep- Firefox, gamestack, trash, Configpanel" Link to comment
tengshj Posted February 6, 2009 Report Share Posted February 6, 2009 while trying to edit a item. clicking on chang will open a explorer window behide the edit window. Link to comment
mvosx1094 Posted February 6, 2009 Report Share Posted February 6, 2009 This is a major bug I have found on ALL versions in XWD and is still present in v5.6. When opening IE, AIM, or any application that uses(i believe to my memory) run32.dll and some other one, XWD will crash. But it's gotten worse in v5.6 because now my entire Notebook will crash! This is a major flaw that should be fixed. Yes I do use Safari more often then IE but the fact that it crashes just cause I have both XWD and IE open is absurd. Please fix this boboah. ThankyouNote: my PC config is: 1.5GHzIntelCore2Duo, 2GB RAM, Vista SP1 x32, 15"Notebook from HP. 250GB of HD(total). Link to comment
Church Punk Posted February 6, 2009 Report Share Posted February 6, 2009 I just noticed that XWD is always using my CPU and always in the top of the list, at least 15% up to 30%. Is that normal? I dont mind the 20MB of memory, but still was wondering if any change in the CPU performance would have an inpact on memory as well, for good or for bad... Link to comment
yorkey Posted February 6, 2009 Report Share Posted February 6, 2009 I just noticed that XWD is always using my CPU and always in the top of the list, at least 15% up to 30%. Is that normal? I dont mind the 20MB of memory, but still was wondering if any change in the CPU performance would have an inpact on memory as well, for good or for bad...XWD uses about 50mb memory here, but CPU always stays at 0... Link to comment
BOBAH13 Posted February 6, 2009 Report Share Posted February 6, 2009 About memory... I said about it many times, and now again 1. When you open gallery, or even use cach images of files, it takes a lot of memory, and also dock use icons, icons' reflections and a lot of effects 2. Why dock doesn't free used memory, because windows doesn't do it, because if you have got enough memory in your system, windows reserves it for dock's future I think it explains all what was interesting you I just noticed that XWD is always using my CPU and always in the top of the list, at least 15% up to 30%. Is that normal? I dont mind the 20MB of memory, but still was wondering if any change in the CPU performance would have an inpact on memory as well, for good or for bad... About CPU, just try delete all docklets and even delete them from docklets folder.. and then try to run dock may it's reason of your problem. or may be I'm wrong Link to comment
koalacarlo79 Posted February 6, 2009 Report Share Posted February 6, 2009 There is a problem in skin making... the skin of the grin background can't be changed!I put the commands in config.txt file and the .png files but... no change!Always the same background, and when i drop the .xwd file on skinmaker to extract my skin, the grid files don't exist (config file is also modified)! ??? Link to comment
zool06 Posted February 6, 2009 Report Share Posted February 6, 2009 1)i got problem while using function add>stack, view>list, add to stack>folder... an error pop out when i open folder list view using listed functions.. 2)i also got problem with XWD startup, XWD loaded at startup but it does not appear at my desktop.. 3)the "edit" function is always on top of "change" image browser for XWD.. it annoys me.. ok.. somehow i managed to overcomethe problem with XWD startup.. its working now Link to comment
Panta Posted February 6, 2009 Author Report Share Posted February 6, 2009 while trying to edit a item. clicking on chang will open a explorer window behide the edit window.This is one of the most annoying, long-lasting bugs of XWD, imho... There is a problem in skin making... the skin of the grin background can't be changed!I put the commands in config.txt file and the .png files but... no change! Always the same background, and when i drop the .xwd file on skinmaker to extract my skin, the grid files don't exist (config file is also modified)! ??? koalacarlo79, I thought you'd be following other peoples posts by now, before posting questions already answered (this one by bobah himself): grid borders were dropped from v5.6 for performance improvement (yeah, many complains about performance, you know... ) but grid background, as it's always been, is adjusted at preferences, not the skin... :slant: Link to comment
Memophysic Posted February 11, 2009 Report Share Posted February 11, 2009 Found a bug!1. Open an explorer window by Win+E2. Minimize it to dock3. Open a new explorer window by Win+EResult : The minimized window reappears behind the new one!Does not happen when doing the same manip with the "My Computer" icon, it simply maximize, but without animation... Link to comment
Panta Posted February 11, 2009 Author Report Share Posted February 11, 2009 @technosinner: have you noticed that your skin for XCal has its last row of days missing? Do you think this has anything to do with the skin height? (look at your preview and you'll see the problem...) Link to comment
technosinner Posted February 11, 2009 Report Share Posted February 11, 2009 Holy crap! No I didn't!!! Thanks I'll fix it :confused:EDIT: Fixed... was a stupid typo in the settings.ini :/ Thanks Panta. Link to comment
Panta Posted February 11, 2009 Author Report Share Posted February 11, 2009 My pleasure! Mind sharing the fix so we can possibly avoid re-downloading? Edit: use 25 as the value of RowHeight, at the following section of the .ini file: ; Properties of the Calendar Grid ColumnWidth=35 RowHeight=25 <------ here GridBgColor=clWhite Link to comment
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