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M. Yamaguchi Is Back?

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..maybe never left, I donno

It would appear however, as if M. Yamaguchi has released new versions of his Y'z Apps.

  • Yz Toolbar v2.1 (Nov.30.2008)
  • Yz Shadow v2.1 (Dec.19.2008)

Read more about it here

The English page should be here but seems to be inaccessible at the moment.

Update: Working English Translated page, thanks dreadnaut.

Update: YzShadow v2.2 Released.

New Yz Updates!

How nostalgic :)

Thanks kaiyoze, for bringing this to our attention here.

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Now that I've had a chance to try it out, I must say the new version of YzShadow rocks!

Some of my favorite features in the update:

  • Shadows now frame the entire window (Top included)
  • Shadows are now more intelligently managed. (When shadows overlap, they do not darken further, this is very apparent when you have 8 windows, the same size, one on top of the other.)
  • XP windows feel like they experience less drag when moving.

What I wish would still be corrected:

  • A shadow on WMP still tries to follow the standard window frame instead of the slimmed down window borders of the default UI, this leaves a 'floating' shadow around the media player (I get around this by placing WMP on the exclusion list, but would really wish you could assign specific windows or apps, custom placed shadows, or that YzShadow would just have a special case shadow for WMP since it's such a standard part of the OS.) This, however, is a very very minor issue to me.
  • It would be nice if there was an option to hide the system tray icon like YzToolbar allows.

Overall, YzShadow is yet another program that makes it difficult to let go of XP. For me, the following:

  • The new Yzshadow app
  • A good visual style
  • Window7 Shortcuts on XP app: http://lifehacker.com/5133039/windows-7-sh...-in-xp-or-vista
  • XWindowsDock
  • Explorer Breadcrumbs (This is sooo useful, cannot install XP without.)
  • Mouse Gestures via Strokeit (As much as I'd like to find another mouse gesture app to replace this no-longer-in-development app, other programs for some reason just do not quite get it right.)
  • QTTabbar (Simply cannot install XP without.)

collectively, the above represent my core GUI mods required to make me feel comfortable in XP. Windows7 really won me over but my biggest and so far only regret is that I cannot get strokeit to work 100%, and no other mouse gesture app has been able to even reach that bar.

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@zWhiteTigerz, on some of my computers I have the same problem: YzShadow's setting window's contents are too 'big' for the window frame. In my case I think my dell machine came with dell's 'custom' tweaked values in: desktop->right click->properties->Appearances tab ->Advanced (settings)

I don't know which value(s) in the Advanced Settings window cause this (just a guess) but if anyone can share with us a solution, I'd much appreciate it :)

Edit: a simple work around is manually editing the ini file to get at the settings out of reach.

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I'm moved, Mr. Y is back! it's like a giant flashback. The english version is just the same page fed through google translate - but google changed ip address or something - here's a replacement link. (edit: not that it helps :D)

I love how Y'z Shadows fades the taskbar now. I couple of thinks I'll suggest on the website (edit: comments closed...)

  • the taskbar shadow could fade too
  • it'll be nice if the taskbar could pop into the foreground if the mouse touches the top edge of the desktop - like a dock - so I could leave it the background all the time, forgotten :P

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I just know greetings updating tools yz

Earlier versions of the Latin translated into Spanish

yz_dock http://www.badongo.com/es/file/4733444 pass: chacharero_69

yz shadow 1.9 http://www.badongo.com/es/file/4735414 pass: chacharero_69

Here is the translation of the shadow see 2.2 and corrected the defect in the window.



Yz Shadow 2.2 http://www.badongo.com/file/13439010 pass: chacharero_69

greetings from Mexico

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Yeah, it's great since it now can add shadow to iTunes to, no need for WindowsFX, but I have some problem with the configuration windows...

Using Reshacker, open up English.lang file. In the Dialog section, change the specified Font to "MS Sans Serif" for items 104, 120, 122. Click Compile script, Save....

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
just a head's up.. Y'z Shadow 2.3 beta 3 was released recently, adds some new features. My favorite is the fade in shadow on new windows. Looks really elegant. You can have the active window shadow pulse too, but not really my cup of tea.

Thanks for the heads up buddy, nice update, this app just keeps getting better.

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