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[beta] Itunes Kontrol

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iTunes Kontrol for Yahoo! Widgets

Uses COM on Windows and Applscript on the Macintosh(also some native Konfabulator calls).

Right click the Widget and choose "Show Control Panel..." please give me your feedback on everything.


Known Issues:

1. iAlarm is not active still a work in progress (might remove it).

2. May have problems unknown on Leopard.

3. Latest version of iTunes ( causes a problem with EQ button. You have to display the EQ with iTunes first before the button will work. Pryor versions of iTunes do not display this problem.

Detailed View:



Edited by Ghostwalker
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It's kinda heavy

Yes it is I wanted to control as much of iTunes as I could between the two platforms. I thought about doing a light version also without a lot of the controls maybe keep album art, iSleep and let the rest go. Up until I posted this only two people have been testing it me on Windows XP Pro SP3 and my partner on Mac OS X 10.4.10(he just upgraded to Leopard and is making sure there are no problems there.) I would like to know from everyone if I should continue with the iAlarm or remove it? For those that don't know iAlarm is an alarm clock feature where I wanted multiple alarms, choice of sound file, playlist, or song. iSleep of course is so you can go to sleep listening to iTunes and it will shut itself down. But anyway let me know how you feel about the alarm clock it will take much more coding and possibly an options panel (Hud Window).

-could u add button instead Right click to choose "Show Control Panel"


I could add an option for a button on the main player(try to blend it in with the GUI) when you use it the context menu item would hide and visa versa would that work?

Edited by Ghostwalker
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