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First Public Beta Of The Winstep Nexus Dock Released! (free)

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hi again jc - i thought of something else that would be nice, again having to do with spacing. i found out today if i set the dock to prevent window overlap it gives itself entirely too much space. see here: http://img156.imageshack.us/img156/1892/capturekah.png

i've got the icons set at the default size if not larger, i think (55 pixels). it seems to me it takes about double the space it should making the feature (which has the potential to be convenenient & give a nice look) less usable).

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hi again jc - i thought of something else that would be nice, again having to do with spacing. i found out today if i set the dock to prevent window overlap it gives itself entirely too much space.

Problem is that ##"$% Leopard theme, if you try it with another theme you'll see the screen space reserved will be what you would expect.

Anyway, I already have a new release on the pipeline, featuring icon spacing, icon locking, optional full right-click context menus for file and folder shortcuts, ability to browser the container of shortcuts in a menu, optionally auto-hide when you move the mouse away from the dock instead of when another window has the focus, and lots of fixes.

I'm looking into adding running indicators as well into this release, and, perhaps, systray support (not sure if I won't delay the later feature for another release, though, as it means adding a lot of settings and new options to the UI, etc...).

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Nexus 9.6 public beta 2 preview released!

This public beta 2 preview release adds a lot of the features requested by users of the first Nexus public beta and should fix all the bugs found on that release too.

1 - Download the 9.6 public beta 2 preview from


2 - Exit any running Winstep applications.

3 - Run NexusSetup.exe


This setup includes all the files necessary for a clean installation of Nexus.

If you are running Winstep Xtreme and you want to try this release of Nexus, you can install it without fear of damaging your current Winstep Xtreme installation, but you MUST NOT UNINSTALL it via Add/Remove Programs afterwards. The later will DAMAGE your Winstep Xtreme installation. You can simply delete Nexus.exe once you are finished playing with it.

Major New Features:

Icon spacing.

Running indicators.

Icon Locking.

Optional full right click context menus.

Ability to rename modules/docklets.

Container folders of shortcuts in the dock can be browsed via the right click context menu.

Customizable left, middle and right click actions for list of running programs.

Faster startup time.

Three more languages supported: Spanish, Swedish, Farsi.

... and more!

The major reason this is still a preview release of public beta 2 is because the text of some of the new features must still be translated into other languages and the Help file updated.

Please do NOT post news of this release outside this board. A proper public announcement will be made for public beta 2 as soon as it is ready.

Feature suggestions and all constructive criticism are greatly appreciated.


Edited by JcRabbit
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You mean portable as in you put it in a USB stick and run it on another computer without having to install it first? Nope, sorry. Won't happen, either: Nexus is dependent on libraries and directory structures that must be installed first.

Ah, if anyone finds any bugs on this 2nd beta release, please let me know, so I can fix it before I launch it officially. :)

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small suggestion:

make offset dock from screen edge settings to go left side to negative values. i do love to use the reserved screen part but id like to lower it (using bottom place settings) just so the edge of the 50% mirrored icons touch the bottom of my screen, saving a bit of surface for maximised windows. the way it is now it while offset is 0 is "hovering" rather than being docked (touching) the screen edge. it may cut out from the background but using tiles or 100% transparent background would suit fine.

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another idea: you could make different separators available, mainly something that would be less wide than an icon slot.

i bumped a load of icons and the running tasks to the right... and swoosh, covered all my screen

The new icon spacing feature should help a lot with that, no?

Problem is that separators in Nexus can actually display personalized icons instead of a simple theme provided image (assuming the theme provides separator images, of course).

This 'personalized separator icon' idea makes more sense in the Winstep Xtreme version of Nexus, where a separator tile can be the 'parent' of a sub-dock (i.e. you click on the separator icon and the associated sub-dock opens or closes). In such a case, it's always a good idea to associate the separator with an icon that represents the contents of the attached sub-dock.

This is *one* of the reasons why separators in Nexus have the same width as other dock items.

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i did obviously tweak down the icon spacing setting (thumbs up for that) and now working to setup standalone stacks to group up the icons.

on a 1680x1050 screen with icons size at 36 pixel i am running out of screen easily (mainly because when i work i get too many windows open).

Also, while using "above other windows" it goes above the screensaver as well.

Edited by zexe
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another suggestion:

make a selectable option for any shortcut to "activate/switch to process". there are applications (for instance outlook.exe) that i would rather have it popped up rather than started another process. sometimes it's easy to miss it in the tasks list (if selected to be shown).

others obviously would be more suitable to get another task started from them.

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make a selectable option for any shortcut to "activate/switch to process". there are applications (for instance outlook.exe) that i would rather have it popped up rather than started another process. sometimes it's easy to miss it in the tasks list (if selected to be shown).

others obviously would be more suitable to get another task started from them.

This is actually the responsability of the application itself. For instance, Outlook will not allow you to start more than one instance of itself (nor do Winstep applications, for that matter).

on a 1680x1050 screen with icons size at 36 pixel i am running out of screen easily (mainly because when i work i get too many windows open).

You would be better off running Winstep Xtreme, in that case. It will allow you to have multiple docks, categorized sub-docks, tabbed docks, etc, etc... :)

Also, while using "above other windows" it goes above the screensaver as well.

I would say this is by design. IMO, it would not happen if the screensaver itself set itself to be 'Always on top' as it should.

Anyway, are you guys ready for the official public beta 2?

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