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Apple Mouse And Keyboard


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Both the wired Apple keyboard and the wire Apple Mighty Mouse should work under Windows XP. The wireless versions will not work.

Hey there dude:

As I write this comment on my Windows XP, I am enjoying my Wireless Mighty Mouse, personally signed by Steve Jobs...

OK, the Jobs bit isn't completely true, but the wireless bit is... :D

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both wired and wireless mouse and keyboard will work with XP.


Plug and play.


You will need to install the 'bootcamp' drivers for XP. Its been A while since ive done it, and remember there was something else tricky to it, but it can be done.

Try giving Apple a call if you have a mac and applecare and just say to them you need help with installing the wireless keyboard and mouse that came with your imac under bootcamp/XP.

There are certain keyboard functions (eg- the command button) that wont work wired or wireless until you install those drivers.

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You've said that, if I recall, on three seperate occasions. Way to go.

Oh really? Sometimes my brain is really bad.

Anyway, back to topic:

Here http://www.apple.com/mightymouse/specs.html is listed, that the wireless Mighty Mouse needs Mac OS X 10.4.8

And on the Apple page for Keyboard, there's written, that none of them is compatible with Windows: http://www.apple.com/keyboard/

Funny thing or not?

Get A Mac ;)

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Hi there again dudes,

@Levi: I don't have any bootcamp drivers for XP (did previously, but they're now uninstalled. As far as I can tell, it's just the native Windoze bluetooth drivers running the show...) - I just turned on the mouse, made the bluetooth connection with my PC, let good ol' XP sort out what to do with it & I was up & running...

@schmrom: Yep - I've read the Apple pages & specs, but from my own experience they've got their info wrong on what the wireless MM is capable of on Windows...

One cool feature of the wireless Mighty Mouse that you get on Leopard but not on XP is 360° scrolling, although I found some Japanese software that could do it on Windows (see the MM wikipedia page for the link...) I've already got a zillion custo apps running in the background, so this was an extra add-on I could do without...

I've also got a Mac keyboard (wired) hooked up to my PC, which also works fine: again, some extra bootcamp apps can make most if not all of the buttons functionable, but I don't find it necessary... However, everything on the Mac keyboard works like a charm in my Ubuntu partition: I wrote a lengthy post about it at this excellent site if anyone's interested: Knipper John's C#kes blog.

@KAWSquared: Yeah, that's just typical: "stop screwing with your XP box & get a Mac"...

Jeez dude: how many other pleasures in life do you want to take away from me?? :lol:

Edited by PoulNyrup
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My friend PoulNyrup is quite correct..

These items certainly DO work on an XP-PC - the only limitation is the 360degree scrolling mouse he mentioned. Apple and some of the other comments made here are certainly wrong, and bootcamp drivers are not needed.

@schmrom as you especially can appreciate. many of us Mac users sometimes have to use a PC for various reasons. In my case, if I'm going to be using a PC, why not use familiar Mac accessories?? After all, the horizontal mouse scrolling is not the end of the world and keyboard keys can be configured by remapping them - easy...

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