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First Public Beta Of Xdeskcover Released! (free)

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XDeskCover is a free desktop widget program that shows the current song cover in a customizable skin.It fully works with Windows Media Player, Foobar2000, Winamp.

XDeskCover also has a powerful Skin Editor with real time preview.


•Instant Player Controls

•Skinnable with SkinEditor

•Popup BalloonTip with Album Cover

•Online search album cover tool

•Cover as system tray icon

Free! No spyware or adware!

XDeskCover Website: http://www.xwidget.com

Registration: FREE

You can download XDeskCover from HERE (2.8 MB).


Balloon Tip:




Online AlbumCover search tool:


Skin Editor with real time preview:


Edited by xwidget
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Hello. I just want to response a problem. When I run the app, I have got an error "Failed set data for ''" or something similar, also after I got the icon of the app in tray, I click on Album Search, and get Access Violation address and so on, but when I run .exe of search album, it's okay. Hope it will help.

My OS is Windows 7 Proffesional.

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Hello. I just want to response a problem. When I run the app, I have got an error "Failed set data for ''" or something similar, also after I got the icon of the app in tray, I click on Album Search, and get Access Violation address and so on, but when I run .exe of search album, it's okay. Hope it will help.

My OS is Windows 7 Proffesional.

Thanks for your response bugs. My OS is Win7 too,and I have UAC disabled....

Is the win7 UAC made this problom?

Edited by xwidget
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Thanks for your response bugs. My OS is Win7 too,and I have UAC disabled....

Is the win7 UAC made this problom?

UAC is enabled, well, I'm developer too, and think that application must work perfect as AsInvoker too, not admin and etc. and it should not think that UAC must be disabled. Just a propositions ;)

Ohh, I'm not sure that it's UAC, but if you try to write into C:\Windows, C:\Programs Files or somewhere else (except temp or user's data folders) or registry, then it can be UAC of course.


small questions, do you use C# I think for it ? :)

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UAC is enabled, well, I'm developer too, and think that application must work perfect as AsInvoker too, not admin and etc. and it should not think that UAC must be disabled. Just a propositions ;)

Ohh, I'm not sure that it's UAC, but if you try to write into C:\Windows, C:\Programs Files or somewhere else (except temp or user's data folders) or registry, then it can be UAC of course.


small questions, do you use C# I think for it ? :)

Thank you for your advice. I think I really should be strengthened emphasis on the win7.

btw: I use Delphi, rather than C#. I personally think that C # will uses more resources of cpu and ram,and efficient without delphi high. and C# can not directly run in WINXP without .net framework.

I tried to add some CD Art Display skins... no luck yet ;)

It can be done ...i'm sure..only if we modifying some things...you skin's author aprove ;) btw

Anyway it's a promising app

I am so sorry that XDeskCover can not directly uses CAD's skin.

Do not double post - mps69

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Hi again...

@xwidget: I tried last night to create my own skin for...no chance to put "play","prev","next",rating", and texts buttons over a background image?

No found any settings for..I'm right?

In Skin Editor left TreeView,list all controls of XDeskCover,Their ,etc "CDCover","Text1"

And Their display order is from top to bottom,

If you want place "Text1" or "ButtonPlay" over "CDBack" ,You must select the "Text1" in the skin editor left treeview, and click the "Move up" Button on the Left-bottom of skin editor,Until makes the "Text1" above "CDBack" in the Controls Tree list.


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What do you think? :)

My first skin of XDeskCover ;) Something like Tahiry skin of CAD

Now the ways are open to create more nice skins...

Thanks again for this app you did for all of us Xwidget!

Nice skin! I like it :)

Oh..forget to ask you something else...

How about a scrolling text for TEXTs settings? Ask to much ;)?

Some songs title are to long even if you wrapple them...

I am sorry that the Scrolling features is under development,I will try to complete it in the next version :)

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