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Borderskin Updated To Version 0.2.4

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For those of us who have been waiting patiently for an update to komalo's BorderSkin program, today we're in for a treat.


BorderSkin has been updated to Version 0.2.4

This release even includes a default OSX window border skin, selectable within the Settings window. It's not the most refined OSX Skin out there, but I'm sure someone with skinning chops could remedy this rather quickly.

Other notable improvements you may notice from prior releases are:

  • An updated Settings Window and options.
  • Improvements in blur rendering.
  • Moving windows without the subtle pixel jumps as experienced in earlier releases.

The above was what I experienced when taking the app for a spin; if compelled, share with us your impressions below.


Download from Komalo's Deviantart Page HERE.

On a more unfortunate note, it would appear that Komalo no longer has the time to continue with this project. What you see is what you'll have to live with.

..this will be the last version for now, i thought that i can continue developing Border Skin but i can't, i felt after Windows 7 releasing there will be only very few who will use Border Skin, anyway you will find a lot of unfinished features and bugs, so don't bother yourself with reporting it, i may continue developing in the future but not right now.

i just wanted to say Thanks for all those who helped and encouraged me in making this application

Personally, I regret hearing this news as BorderSkin was shaping up quite nicely and seemed just at the cusp of being a rock solid alternative in the freeware community to apps such as True Transparency, or even Windowblinds. However, I completely understand having a busy life with other obligations and responsibilities, which makes Komalo's and other freeware developer releases to the community all the more admirable.

So Thank you Komalo for your latest release, and may you find success and happiness in your ventures :)

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