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I've 2 requests for the final version:

1) stacks stack and more stacks;

2) show the bar when the mouse is on the border of the screen (and configurable waiting time).

Good work!!!

I would also like to see the dock pop up when the mouse is on the edge of the screen (and have it return to the background again when you move off it). It's the 1 of 2 things I miss when I moved from ObjectDock to XWindows Dock. The other thing is to have the start menu pop up when you press a dock icon, I hope someone makes this a plug-in or maybe Bobah could integrate this.

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I would also like to see the dock pop up when the mouse is on the edge of the screen (and have it return to the background again when you move off it). It's the 1 of 2 things I miss when I moved from ObjectDock to XWindows Dock. The other thing is to have the start menu pop up when you press a dock icon, I hope someone makes this a plug-in or maybe Bobah could integrate this.

Just palace openstartmenu http://www.chrisnsoft.com/download/ (it's on that page just scroll down) in dock and the start menu will pop up.

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Here's some quick and dirty AutoHotkey code to cause XWindows Dock to toggle visibility when you ctrl+alt+R (just like rocketdock)

GroupAdd, XWDWins, XWindows Dock

WinGet, visible, Count, XWindows Dock
if visible = 0
WinShow, ahk_group XWDWins
WinHide, ahk_group XWDWins

of course, an official solution with nice animation, etc would be great, but this works as a temporary workaround if you need to run something fullscreen or what have you.

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I've got one thing to tell you. As soon as we all will use Vista, Seven (I think all use with Aero (Composition technology)), and Composition is a future of Windows systems, I think to use cool features (like minimization, "one" (I've already made it) and so on) and make it faster, smoother, cooler at the end, we should use Composition. But it means, that on XP it won't work, and won't work on Vista and Seven if you disable Composition.

I think it's not a problem, and it's the best way to coding the dock :)

Thanks. Vlad.

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i've noticed that when i've got a full screen program open if i move my mouse near the botton the whole thing messes up. When i close XWD it doesn't happen. I think it is that it is taking focus or something. Maybe make an option like in RK Launcher to "never take focus"

and i think that if you have xp upgrade to 7. i mean, xp is so outdated you cant even buy it anymore.

Edited by Vistapple
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I've got one thing to tell you. As soon as we all will use Vista, Seven (I think all use with Aero (Composition technology)), and Composition is a future of Windows systems, I think to use cool features (like minimization, "one" (I've already made it) and so on) and make it faster, smoother, cooler at the end, we should use Composition. But it means, that on XP it won't work, and won't work on Vista and Seven if you disable Composition.

I think it's not a problem, and it's the best way to coding the dock :)

Thanks. Vlad.

You're right!

Nowadays OS, and almost every software is requiring more and more power computers, I mean, If you cannot run Win7 Ultimate with all its features on your computer, that means you'll have to upgrade you're hardware someday...

I know, not everybody can afford to have this kind of machines, but, XWD's development must continue, and, if somebody is still using Xp, man... They'll have tu upgrade anyways...

Great idea, take advantag of Windows features... BTW I think, after the final release... Maybe, just maybe, you could try to integrate XWD into shell?

BOBAH13. You're doing a great job. CONGRATULATIONS!



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Just a few recomendations for the final release.

1: For minimisation (when you get around to it) possibly slow down the animation by holding shift (im not sure if it is actually shift. Just whatever button it is on a mac)

2: Change the right click menu form "Show in explorer" to "show in finder" (just to keep with the mac theme) or, maybe even have a customisable option like in stacks.

3: When windows minimise to dock make sure they are minimised to the second from the right (like on a mac it goes between the downloads stack and the recycle bin)

4: If you can, make fan stacks open more like on a mac. Instead of just suddenly appearing have the document that is displayed sort of fly up. Im not sure how to describe it, just watch it and you will know what i mean

5: Possibly when right click on a stack, make it say "show as" then eigther folder or stack, depending on your current setting, If it is a folder, just have an icon, and if it is a stack, it will be the stack of documents inside.

Remember, these are just recommendations, and if there are some you cant do, we dont mind. We are getting this for free and i would like to see anyone who complains do better.

i just hope that when i get my free laptop from school that it doesn't have xp on it!

Edited by Vistapple
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1. I know :) I'm doing it everywhere

2. No, I won't make it. Cause we use Windows, and it has not Finder.exe. Anyway, in future you will be able to change the string in language file

3. Will see, not sure that it's possible

4/5 not sure that I understand.

Anyway.. now I'm working and no have a lot of time to spend on the XWD. Also, we are testing what we have for now, then fix bugs and improve some features, then, hope, will publish it.

So, will see.

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3. Will see, not sure that it's possible

Not to compare, I just wanted to add here that RK Launcher does have this ability...

Well, this project specifically has implemented it....

I dunno if that helps any, but i see its possible to do on the windows platform, but totally unsure if its possible due to the language the dock is written in or the docks core.

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Yes, I used RK until you released XWD 2.0.0 and yes it is actually customisable, you in the options thing you can set where you want windows to minimise to.

but if it isnt possible with the dock coding, thats ok.


4/5 not sure that I understand

well when you right click on a stack in OS X it will say "show as stack/folder" And if you set it to a stack, the stack icon is like an actual stack of the stuff inside the stack. But, if you set it to Folder, it will just be one icon (you can change it to whatever)

Depending on what it is currently set to, changes what it will say

eg: if it is set as a stack it will say "set as folder" and if it is set as a folder, it will say "set as stack"

and as for number 4, its kind of hard to describe but if you watch a fan stack opened you will see. Its just a cool little animation

And if there are any features you cant get in, It will still be one of the best docks there are

oh and i only just realised that it has window reflections. i thought it just reflected the wallpaper but its open windows to! great work

Edited by Vistapple
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first I must say that the dock looks really cool and much more stable

i thought the fact that icons didn't magnify was a bug on seven but no it seems that its because its the beta release

the preferences are simpler however i'd like to set the 5.6 option "show dock on mouse over"

and it be cool if we could still edit icons in the future stacks

hope the genie effect will still be there !

thx a lot guys this is so cooooool

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Love the new dock and I would switch over from RK Launcher to it but one thing is holding me back. I have a laptop and when I'm home I plug a monitor into the laptop so that I have a 22" screen instead of a 13" screen. When I either plug or unplug the monitor and XWD is running it does not reposition to be at the bottom of the new screen - the area that it's supposed to appear in is still "reserved" for it but the actual dock itself does not move from its original position. ...RK Launcher moves around as needed... is there a way to fix this?

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Love the new dock and I would switch over from RK Launcher to it but one thing is holding me back. I have a laptop and when I'm home I plug a monitor into the laptop so that I have a 22" screen instead of a 13" screen. When I either plug or unplug the monitor and XWD is running it does not reposition to be at the bottom of the new screen - the area that it's supposed to appear in is still "reserved" for it but the actual dock itself does not move from its original position. ...RK Launcher moves around as needed... is there a way to fix this?

Its because so far XWD only works on one monitor, and as soon as you plug in, it switches to two, And then back to one if you set it up like that.

I guess to temporarily fix that is to disable your laptop during the time you have your external monitor plugged in, then restart XWD.


I would like to add that the indicators do not work unless you put the .exe in there, instead of a shortcut.

BUT, when i restart XWD, the shortcuts are back, no .exe and so no indicators will work.

Edited by Boiler
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Guest Sparking

This is pure gold, I just want to say, awesome. Congrats and best regards.

Ohh i am so glad to know about new release. Will Happy to use new inter phase with extra features.

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Nice work! It's extremely fast!

Dragging stuff into the dock works, but I can't drag them out of it to delete them. I hope you add that feature later, along with the magnification.

Also, when the dock starts, it detects where the taskbar ends and locates there, but if you move the taskbar, the dock doesn't adjust. I'd be glad if you could fix that to.

I was also wondering: you released the code for the old XWD, but will you open this version's code? I think it'd be awesome. No presure, you're job is amazing anyways :)

Thanks, and keep up the good work!

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I just registered to tell you that's a great one - and I think it will get even better!

Now there's one thing in the context menu it's just "swith" you should correct it to "switch"!

In the future it's important to make it possible to hide XWDock, currently if I'm browsing or something I can't see the face of the dock but the tooltips will pop up!

Personally I most like if the dock is hiding automatically and blends in if you move the mouse to the border of the screen!

Feels good to use it, the drag&drop configuration is really great!

Edited by JBJHJM
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Yep :) Thanks all.

Now I've got one feature done and ready to use (already tested), and one just done (it can make the dock crash, can, if you made a lot of things already...) anyway, I just want to tell you, that they are 2 features what I want to see in the next build, and they are about 85% ready!. But unfortunately, now I had a work to be done, and I spend all of my time to do that. May when I have free time I will be able to complete 2th feature, test it and publish the new build ( I think make version shorter - may be 2.0.1.. will see)

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Yep :) Thanks all.

Now I've got one feature done and ready to use (already tested), and one just done (it can make the dock crash, can, if you made a lot of things already...) anyway, I just want to tell you, that they are 2 features what I want to see in the next build, and they are about 85% ready!. But unfortunately, now I had a work to be done, and I spend all of my time to do that. May when I have free time I will be able to complete 2th feature, test it and publish the new build ( I think make version shorter - may be 2.0.1.. will see)

Then we will wait! :)

Just tried out the preference settings, what I'd like is just a "hide-the-dock" function for the "Keep dock over all Windows" option!

Take all the time you need, it's damn great!

Now I think I've written enought...

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