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This dock looks so nice, since I've started school once again I'm back at using a windows pc and keeping my loved iMac at home. This dock makes the win7 experience a little more bearable. To get the most out of having to use a laptop my friend did set me up with a tablet pc which makes things very fun.

well then, on with the questions:

1. When using a tabletpc the dock is having a lot of problems replacing itself when you turn the screen, it quite simple ends up off-screen. The only fix I'v found for now is to close the dock before turning the screen, and then reopen it. So my question is if it's possible to make some kindda better refresh for the dock, to better have it find the right place to go after you turn the screen??

2. Will a future release of this great program have magnification? Or will all dock icons continue to be static?

3. When I launch a program from the dock, it does not show a running indicator under the program, so if I minimize the program and then use the icon from the dock to open it again, it will open a new program instead of reopen the minimized one. Is there a way to fix this?

That's all from me for now. Keep up the good work !!

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There is no competition (for me).

1. I'm creating XWD for me (and publish for people, who wants to use it)

2. It's FREE application. I'm passing my time to do XWD when I have time, it's not my way to do MONEY :)

So, for now I still have no time to working on new build of XWD. But! when I have it, I think it won't take too much time to complete the new one.


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Agreed! Never said you needed to hurry, just got their email, thought i would share it. But that is indeed a good approach. Very positive bobah, you've enlightened me :) and by the way, we all appreciate your work, and it is definitely worth more to me than the 20 dollar program put together by an entire group of pro devs. Good job Again dude :)

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There's one thing you could include to enable real 3d reflections:

Currently 3d-icons mapped to 2d-images are shown - what else - with a 2d-reflection.

But if you build in a optional function to define/load a "reflected image" for the icon then you could create reflections of 3d-icons which look like real 3d-objects reflections!

(Of course the reflection images must be drawn/rendered before you can load them ;) )

I'd like to see that feature!

Or just include a engine to use real 3d-objects :D :D :D ok just a joke

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anti-aliasing is a must... but reflection of the windows on the desktop would make too much of a mess IMO...

another feature that I suggest would be to display the active tasks, not only minimizing them on the dock because if you wish to switch task you either have to use the windows taskbar or alt(win)+tab... so if the tasks would all be in the dock them you can switch them easily... moreover I think that there should be a third option for the tasks on the dock to keep their icon and not take a screenshot or print the window.

Regarding the settings menu... if you wish to leave out buttons like 'ok', 'apply' and 'cancel' then I think you should bind the Ctrl+Z command to undo the last setting made... many times I like to play around with the settings but decided in the end to use the previous ones... but if the settings apply right after you make them, then this would be impossible without an Undo command.

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I belive in you guys! do it good! every time when I login in windows I miss the mac dock soooo much, superbar is so ugly and uncomfortable :)

If you don't like "superbar" just hide it, or buy a mac :P . I don't understand why people complain about it knowing that Windows 7 is the best thing Microsoft has made...

(BTW why the hell did they call it superbar?, Snow Leopard dock is much better, that doesn't make it "super")

I'd like to see ---for final release--- stacks like Snow Leopard, I mean, to be able to explore around folders, have a title of the folder on the top, anyways, everybody knows how's it :)

Edited by Mattey
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If you don't like "superbar" just hide it, or buy a mac :P . I don't understand why people complain about it knowing that Windows 7 is the best thing Microsoft has made...

(BTW why the hell did they call it superbar?, Snow Leopard dock is much better, that doesn't make it "super")

I'd like to see ---for final release--- stacks like Snow Leopard, I mean, to be able to explore around folders, have a title of the folder on the top, anyways, everybody knows how's it :)

I have a mac, but I also have a pc, windows can do some things that can't do mac but that bar.. omg, soo uncomfortable ^_^ if I hide it I can't work, so I'll wait useable dock.

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Hi all.

For now, please stop ask me :) as I said before, for the next release the dock will have only 2 new features, no more. For now, I've done about 90%. Unfortunately, I have no time to complete other 10% right now, when I have it, you will see new release as soon as it's possible.

Thank you for your taking interest to my work. Hope, at the end we will have very cool dock. And about direction of the dock, the main idea is to use latest technologies provided by Microsoft (in Windows). I mean, that the best way to use the dock, you should install Windows 7 (Vista may be too) and enable Aero. These requirements are optional, of course, but so you can use all functional of the dock (starting next release).

As for me, I use the dock about 1.5 year, and have taskbar at the top. It's very usefull me :) What about Windows 7, I killed all shortcuts from taskbar, and use it like in Windows XP and so on.

Thanks again ;)

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As for me, I use the dock about 1.5 year, and have taskbar at the top. It's very usefull me :) What about Windows 7, I killed all shortcuts from taskbar, and use it like in Windows XP and so on.

Thanks again ;)

Like me. Superbar is cool, but isn't cool as the dock! Keep going with the work, it is perfect!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I am very,very,very satisfied with 2.0.1 beta it's 2 steps from xwd 5.6 but i don't like this OSX windows management system,well it's bad as fuck,If Bobah can somehow use live preview from windows in XWD than we wouldn't use taskbar at all.But if situation stays as this it would be good if indicator for My Computer is removed when there are no opened windows so i would know...Also icons in containers are too big for my taste,will be there way to customize that?One more thing XWD never shows Digsby (im client) as running neither are there some opened windows from that application...

Big congrant for work that has been done yet!!!

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